How many dopamine circuits are in the mesolimbic pathways -

How many dopamine circuits are in the mesolimbic pathways - congratulate, your

Alcohol interrupts processes in the brain and makes its organs function differently than they usually do. Alcohol increases the release of dopamine from the reward center, causing brain pathways to narrow dramatically. It causes your brain to think that alcohol makes you feel great when, in fact, it simulates depression. It also increases the production of HBA in our mind, which can lead to nausea. The long — term effects you will experience from drinking alcohol will not be medical or even physical. Your brain begins to produce chemicals to cope with the regular onslaught of alcohol. The parts of your brain that tell you when something is a bad idea work another way when you are under the influence. These imbalances alter everything from your sleep patterns, to your moods, and even how you experience temperature fluctuations. For someone who has been drinking a lot for a long time, long-term alcohol consumption can lead to long-term brain problems. how many dopamine circuits are in the mesolimbic pathways.

This includes people from the ages of 18 and older, however OCD symptoms begin developing at ages as young as 7 years of age ADAA It is popular amongst adolescents to use the term OCD casually in situations where an individual feels the need to clean something up. Even though this appears to be rather harmless conversational slang, over time this idea of OCD solidifies itself as its common definition. I have also had personal experiences with depression, which made me more cognisant of my use of terms with clinical meaning. Therefore, I not only wanted to uncover the ongoing misconceptions about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but I also wanted to investigate the biological mechanisms driving OCD. However, when looking more closely at aspects of OCD I began realising its complexity.

Although I will be investigating the biological side of OCD in this paper, it was interesting to get a look at the other perspectives of this complex disorder.

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No cure exists at this point time, however there are a variety of different treatments that have been shown to ease symptoms, or at least give patients the feeling of relief, regardless of clinical efficacy. These treatments can range from psychotherapy to various medications that strive to modulate certain neurotransmitters NT in the brain. I chose dopamine DAas it is known to be the neurotransmitter in charge of appetitive behaviors and plays roles in addictive behavior. This is important to consider when studying OCD, as the thoughts and behaviors that occur within the disorder consist of repeating thoughts, which are followed by actions to reduce the rising anxiety of the obsessions. Understanding OCD and its chemical mechanisms is a question of particular importance to people who suffer from severe OCD.

These individuals will sometimes engage in self harm or in more extreme cases resort to suicide if the obsessive thoughts or compulsions become so bad that they can no longer be controlled.

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Being able to answer the question of biochemical interactions in key behavioral systems would help to understand OCD and how different symptoms could be treated to reduce or even eliminate them entirely. It is also important to me, as stated previously, to eradicate the notion that this disorder is entirely harmless, and that normal tendencies are in fact very different from the clinical disorder. It is also important that people understand the consequences of having this disorder and know that its origins and manifestations are not fabricated by those affected.

how many dopamine circuits are in the mesolimbic pathways

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder generally consists of two main parts: the obsessions, and the compulsions. According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-V obsessions are recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress.


Individuals will attempt to ignore or suppress such thoughts, urges, or dopmine, or to neutralise them with some other thought or action; the actions associated with relieving these urges are called compulsions. Compulsions can be characterised as repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the individual feels driven merchswap perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly.

how many dopamine circuits are in the mesolimbic pathways

Therefore, the obsessions can be defined as the mental aspect of this disorder and the compulsions as the physical aspect. While most people have certain obsessive thoughts and possibly even compulsive behaviors at some source in their lives, it is important to distinguish that these are not equivalent to individuals who suffer from clinically diagnosed OCD. In order for these thoughts and behaviors to be defined as of OCD, the obsessions and compulsions must to become so extreme that they consume larger amounts of time, thus disrupting daily life and other activities.]

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