How was the demographic transition model developed -

How was the demographic transition model developed - confirm

The demographic characteristics of the population of Croatia are known through censuses , normally conducted in ten-year intervals and analysed by various statistical bureaus since the s. The Croatian Bureau of Statistics has performed this task since the s. The latest census in Croatia was performed in April The permanent population of Croatia at the census had reached 4. The population density is Since , Croatia's death rate has continuously exceeded its birth rate ; the natural growth rate of the population is negative. Croatia is in the fourth or fifth stage of the demographic transition. how was the demographic transition model developed. How was the demographic transition model developed

Metrics details. Large-scale rural-to-urban migration has changed the epidemiology of tuberculosis TB in large Chinese cities.

how was the demographic transition model developed

We estimated the contribution of TB importation, reactivation of latent infection, and local transmission to new TB cases in Shanghai, and compared the potential impact of intervention options. We calibrated the model to local demographic data, How was the demographic transition model developed notifications, and molecular epidemiologic studies. We estimated epidemiological drivers as well as future outcomes of current TB policies and compared this base-case scenario with scenarios describing additional targeted interventions focusing on migrants or vulnerable residents. The model captured key modle and epidemiological features of TB among migrant and resident populations in Songjiang District, Shanghai.

Migrant-focused TB interventions could produce meaningful health benefits for migrants, as well as for young residents who receive indirect protection as a result of reduced TB transmission in Shanghai. Further studies to measure cost-effectiveness are needed to evaluate the feasibility of these interventions in Shanghai and similar urban centers experiencing high migration volumes. Peer Review reports. China demobraphic an estimated 4. TB incidence in China has declined in recent decades, with national scale-up of directly observed treatment strategies and ongoing improvements in living standards. Currently, rural-to-urban migration is a major impediment for TB control in China. Most internal migrants are men who leave rural areas to join the urban wage economy, and there will be an estimated — million urban migrants by Consequently, they may not be entitled to subsidized housing or education, have poor access to social security and medical benefits, and often live and work in circumstances that promote Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mtb transmission and impede prompt diagnosis [ 345 ].

Studies have shown that urban migrants who develop TB have reduced access to TB care, and worse article source outcomes than urban residents [ 67developer ]. In China, identification of TB cases is primarily through passive case-finding, with symptomatic individuals voluntarily seeking diagnosis and treatment. High volume internal migration has been linked to elevated infectious disease incidence in Chinese cities, and challenges for disease control [ 678 ].

In recent years, rising TB case numbers associated deeveloped urban migration have been reported in many major cities—including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Theory bullet and Hangzhou [ 4910111213 ]—yet there was no specific guideline for TB screening among urban migrants, and the underlying epidemiological mechanisms have not been completely described.

The optimal response from urban TB control agencies will likely depend on the sources of new TB cases—whether elevated TB case notifications among how was the demographic transition model developed migrants are due to reactivation of latent TB infection LTBI acquired before migration, transmission following migration, or prevalent TB among new arrivals.

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In this study, we used a transmission-dynamic model to investigate the epidemiology of migration-linked TB in Shanghai. We conducted our study in Songjiang, a district of Shanghai in which the majority of the population were internal migrants.

For Songjiang, previous genotypic analyses of clinical dekographic have described transmission linkages between TB cases among residents and migrants [ 14 ].

how was the demographic transition model developed

Using hhe data, alongside detailed demographic and clinical data for —, we estimated the contribution of different epidemiological mechanisms to TB incidence among migrants and residents and assessed the potential impact of new interventions focused on these population groups.

Shanghai has experienced major rural-to-urban migration since the s Additional file 1 : Figure S1 [ 15 ]. Songjiang has a population of 1. Most originate from western and central China. In a previous study during tomigrants had higher tuberculosis rates Since the s, Songjiang has participated in a comprehensive TB surveillance and reporting system involving Songjiang District Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, a TB-designated hospital, and community-based clinics.


This network provides TB services including passive case finding, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Data on TB cases, including demographic, epidemiological, and clinical information, is recorded in an TB Information Management System. Currently, Songjiang applies a transiiton system based on TB-like symptoms to prompt TB diagnosis and notification. Although there was no specific national guideline for TB control among internal migrants, since latean enhanced program was implemented in Shanghai to extend free TB services reimbursement for diagnosis and anti-TB drugs to the migrant population.]

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