Indian stand up comedian russell peters -

Indian stand up comedian russell peters Video

\ indian stand up comedian russell peters Indian stand up comedian russell peters indian stand up comedian russell peters

State St. Her in-your-face style is a perfect fit for the intimacy of Lincoln Hall. As an added bonus, Chicagoan Correy Bell is opening. Lincoln Ave. Sheffield Ave. River Road, Rosemont; rosemont. This show promises both quality and quantity. Lake Shore Drive; ariecrown.

Most Read • Chicago Tribune

The intimate North Bar is fast becoming a destination for surprisingly big names, and Rajskub is the one to catch this fall. North Ave. Wells St. Five shows Nov. Twitter ZachRunsChicago.

indian stand up comedian russell peters

Skip to content. AP; Getty; contributed photos. Zach Freeman is a freelance writer.

Latest The Theater Loop

From Aparna Nancherla puts nervous energy to good use ». Chicago comic T. Murph is about to see what this success thing looks like ». Read all of the Tribune's comedy coverage in Chicago ». Latest The Theater Loop. A new era demands more. The Theater Loop 10 spots live standup comedy is back on stage around Chicago.]

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