Lacy peterson story -

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*SOLVED* THE LACI PETERSON CASE lacy peterson story

In NovemberPeterson was convicted of murdering his wife, Laci, and their unborn son, Conner, in Prosecutors alleged that Peterson's motive for the murders was to escape married life and upcoming fatherhood. Prominent Los Angeles defense attorney Geragos announced May 2 he would defend Peterson, accused source murdering his wife and unborn son.

Load Error January 24, - Amber Frey, a Fresno massage lacy peterson story, comes forward at a police news conference and says she was having an affair with Peterson.

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She says the affair began November 20, after Peterson told her he was single. April 21, - At his arraignment Peterson is charged with two felony counts of murder with premeditation and special circumstances. Peterson pleads not guilty. May 2, - Mark Geragos becomes Peterson's attorney.

lacy peterson story

June 12, - A gag order is placed lacy peterson story participants, saying the restrictions are necessary to preserve Peterson's right to a fair trial amid wtory publicity. August 18, - Judge Al Girolami rules that news cameras will not be allowed in the courtroom at the preliminary hearing. September 26, - Laci's family files a civil lawsuit against Peterson to prevent him from receiving money for selling his story. As the executor of Laci's estate, Rocha files two separate lawsuits, a wrongful death action and a survival action.

January 20, - The trial is moved to San Mateo County. February 2, - Judge Alfred Delucchi bars cameras from the courtroom for the entire trial.

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March 4, - Jury selection begins. May 27, - The six-man, six-woman jury is seated in the case. There are also six alternates. June 1, - Trial begins.

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June 21, - Judge Delucchi tells jurors that they must take care to ensure their actions in and around the courtroom are not misconstrued. The warning comes after Juror No. June 23, - Juror No. August 10, - Frey testifies that Peterson told her he was a widower and lied about lacy peterson story he lived and where he traveled.

lacy peterson story

Storyy hear recordings of Peterson and Frey's conversations made by police after she discovered the truth. November 3, - Jury deliberations begin. November 12, - Peterson is found guilty of first-degree murder for Laci's death and second-degree murder for Conner's death. December 13, - The jury recommends that Peterson be sentenced to death.

lacy peterson story

March 16, - Judge Delucchi follows the recommendation of the jury and sentences Peterson to death. April - Laci's parents drop their wrongful death lawsuit against Peterson. March lacy peterson story, - Gov. Gavin Newsom signs an executive order issuing a moratorium on executions of death row inmates in California prisons, including Peterson. August 24, - California's Supreme Court overturns Peterson's death sentence. The case is remanded peteraon a lower court to determine Peterson's penalty.]

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