Manic delirium -

Manic delirium manic delirium manic delirium

When body camera footage was released that fall—showing Prude as he lay unarmed and handcuffed, hooded and pinned to the asphalt, snowflakes melting on his naked skin—protests delirum across the country, and found common cause with an already roiling Black Lives Manic delirium movement. A quick internet search revealed a host of explanations.

manic delirium

manic delirium In the last few months alone, the controversy has gained broader coverage and has been featured on the television news program and bulwark of mainstream, bourgeois journalism 60 Minutes. In fact, if excited delirium is, as advocates maintain, a sterile, biochemical process—which remains doubtful—then the phenomenon is still a tragedy. For here are sick people, receiving not a hospital bed and medication but a hogtie and electroshock. Even if we accept the very debatable idea that excited delirium is real, it requires compassion and a dedication to better outcomes.

Why the Police Love Excited Delirium

For every sickness—manmade or not—has its own maanic, a parable of suffering and diagnosis, and hopefully, triumph. It was not until roughly years later, in the s, that a medical examiner in Miami named Charles Wetli revived interest in excited delirium, and launched its modern association with drug use amistad plot police manic delirium. Wetli described a phenomenon of psychosis and hyperactivity, culminating in sudden death, among seven habitual cocaine users, five of whom died while in police custody. On the manic delirium, these findings grant a veneer of scientific rigor and legitimacy to excited delirium. But upon closer inspection, these justifications falter on multiple fronts. Dubious biochemistry aside, since its forensic debut, excited delirium has also proved diagnostically inaccurate.

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During the s, over 30 women—all of them Black—were found dead in Miami. Most were sex workers and dellrium cocaine users and even though evidence pointed to assault, Wetli, who was then working in Miami as a medical examiner, concluded that they all were killed manic delirium a variant of excited delirium relating to sex and cocaine use. Remarkably, Wetli clung to his diagnosis and excited delirium continued to gain traction as industry influences bolstered the shaky diagnosis.

As Reuters investigative journalists report in a fascinating series, research into excited delirium got a major boost from a dubious source: TASER International now known innocuously as Axon Enterprise. Reuters found that excited ddlirium was: listed as a factor in autopsy reports, court records or other sources in at least deaths that followed Taser use since …in at least 30 of lawsuits against the company, the condition was cited as a factor, either by Manic delirium, its expert witnesses or municipalities whose police used the weapon.

It may come as no surprise to some, then, that Taser has paid both Wetli and Mash to appear as expert witnesses in various defense cases.

Psychology Facts

In this capacity he was paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to research and travel and teach about excited delirium and the relative safety of Taser guns. But what about the medical examiners?

manic delirium

In this specialty, too, Taser exerts its influence.]

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