Martin luther theology of the cross -

Martin luther theology of the cross - are

The Protestant Reformation that began on Oct. The medieval Roman Catholic Church tried to structure life and death in a way that seemed eminently fair. Luther busted apart that illusion of control. Over twenty years ago, I was being interviewed for what would prove to be my first tenured appointment at a university. Luther, however, may not have been as careful a theologian, but he was so obviously human and so clearly loved life. Writing this book has not quite been as traumatic as being marooned on a desert island with the man from Wittenberg, but there are similarities. The Word is powerful, creative, destructive, and re-creative. Only after one has grasped this does so much of his thought start to make any sense. Power becomes weakness and weakness becomes power. Salvation is shown to be not an act of cooperation between God and the Christian but a sovereign act of God himself. martin luther theology of the cross martin luther theology of the cross

In Memory of the th anniversary of the death of P. Nothing strikes those who come much in contact with our ministry more than the general sense of unrest. A very great number which to change their sphere. What is the reason?

Conclusion: Life As Tragedy, Life As Comedy

I write off at once many local and outward reasons which need not concern us here. I know that in a large church there are endless distractions for an earnest man; in a small there is not scope for him, and sometimes barely food. But I seem to find the real root of the matter in an inner unrest, a mental mobility, of whose real nature the victims themselves are not always quite aware.

martin luther theology of the cross

Some may have had no training; some no adequate training. Some may leave college without the love or habit of Bible study; or without the reserve principles which come out to settle things in the most dangerous period, which is middle life; and so they devote themselves to nothing source the weekly tale of work.

They never arrive. And what they read adds to the dissipating effect. It is largely the newspapers, religious or other, or it is similar fugitive products; which is like reading the commentaries before studying the passage.

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That is to say, their mind is being bombarded with tiny particles of fact or fancy in a constant stream; and the vibration, largely unconscious at the time, accumulates to a chronic and mysterious unrest. How many would increase their peace and power of mind if they would eschew newspapers for a year. Yet to do it postulates the very power which is desired. Or if they were driven to more deliberate prayer in order to neutralize the atmosphere of criticism and mental dissipation in which a press age plunges them.

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For lack of it men may easily become dilettanti sic not in theology theloogy but in soul, religious amateurs instead of spiritual masters, mere seekers, and experimenters instead of experts of the Gospel and adepts of faith. And our creed may come to suffer from what the doctors now call tea-ism — tremors due to the abuse of sedatives.

martin luther theology of the cross

Luhher ideal ministry must be a praying ministry in much more than in the coterie and convention sense, in the great and not frivolous sense, in the sense by which prayer with the Word is the chief pulpit power. It is no ideal ministry that does not impress people as thinking and working from the sure anchorage of Biblical prayer. And people are quick to feel that steadying, ruling power.

Who are we to tell God who and what He must be?

I have often found in my own case too, that the preparation of sermon after sermon, with a constant change of subject, produced an effect of unrest. The mind loses the continuity, the self-possession, that belongs to stability and power. I have found I was apt to prepare my sermons better that myself. Is that an uncommon experience — to spend more on preparing the message, and to spend least of all on preparing oneself for the total work of the ministry? It is with the preaching as it is with the prayer — the great and hard thing is preparing not for the occasion but stalin video the vocation.]

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