Mass hysteria examples today -

Mass hysteria examples today

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Page 1 of 4 [ 94 posts ] Go to page 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 Next Previous topic Next topic Author Message cookie23 Post subject: What are people getting vaccinated and not changing??? Posted: Thu Apr 15, am. Will see how serious this question goes on this board, but I unfortunately know many people who are fully vaccinated and are still staying home, ordering food in, etc. I honestly do not get it. I am pro vaccine, but people I know who have not gotten it are out and about more, covid fatigue, but it seems many people I know who got it early younger people at that under 50 , got it and staying inside. What gives? Post subject: Re: What are people getting vaccinated and not changing??? The world is a different place now. mass hysteria examples today.

Protonfall is 6, The Planetary K Kp Index has been at level 5 for 12 hours out of the last hour interval. A mild geostorm is in progress!

mass hysteria examples today

A mild geostorm is in progress. Solar Cycle mass hysteria examples today is ramping up, heading for the fireworks typical of Solar Maximums. I see online that the current Maximum is predicted to take place in the yearonly four years from now, as may be seen from the graph of the Solar Cycle 25 prediction curve below. Surf is up! I am really looking forward to it. When the heart chakra is fully open … the Low Heart, the Mid-Heart, the High Heart, and the Hridaya the hidden inmost heart … then miracles can happen within and without our energy fields.

The High Heart, associated as it is with the thymus gland, stimulates regeneration of our physical and subtle bodies.

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The Low Heart, which Hyzteria feel may be located at the solar plexus, has to do with manifestation of our heart-felt wishes in the world. Here is my depiction of the Low Heart …. I adapted the colors in the original image for this reason: Located as it is between the heart chakra, which is often depicted as mass hysteria examples today green in color, and the navel point, which is often depicted as yellow in color, I felt it might be best to picture the Low Heart as a combination of these two colors. In addition, I removed the lotus petals, as 8 are depicted in the original image of Hrit Chakra.

mass hysteria examples today

Traditionally, the sacral chakra is depicted as having 6 orange petals; and the navel point or third chakra old-style mass hysteria examples today depicted as having 10 yellow petals. Thus it seems very appropriate to me that the original image of the Hrit Chakra, with its 8 petals and its dark orange and deep yellow colors, might represent a Low Navel Point chakra, and might be located just between the sacral chakra and the navel point. Inside that, on a yellow background, is a green tree with five branches, each with leaves on it. I used these colors for this reason: Located as the Low Heart is toray between the heart chakra, which is often depicted as emerald green in color, and the navel point, which is often depicted mass hysteria examples today yellow in color … I felt it might be best to picture the chakra as a combination todaay these two colors … COMMENT: The Low Heart, I feel, may be located at the solar plexus, just below the middle arch of the bottommost ribs.


When the heart chakra is fully activated, as in years of Solar Cycle Maximum, then I feel the High Heart which corresponds to the thymus gland and the Low Heart are mass hysteria examples today fully functional. The former is associated with physical regeneration, and the latter I take to be associated with fulfillment of our heart-felt wishes in the physical realm …. I used these colors for this reason: Located as the Low Heart is … between the hysteia chakra, which is often depicted as emerald green in color, and the navel point, which is often depicted as yellow in color … I felt it might be best to picture the chakra as a combination of these two colors ….

mass hysteria examples today

Here is the Hrit Chakra, which I feel may represent the Low Navel Point, a very complicated chakra said to be connected to 72, nadis in the human energy field. Masx feel it may be located between the sacral chakra and the navel point, and may mass hysteria examples today in tandem with the Low Heart to create the miracle of manifestation of our deeply felt wishes in the physical realm …. I am hoping to be able to speak with delegations from the Council of Nine, the planets in our own Solar System, during this time.


Having already met the Saturnians and the Martians during Solar Cycle 24, I am hoping to meet representatives from Jupiter, Mercury, and Neptune during our current solar cycle. I have an action plan to listen to the NASA recordings for those planets; I feel these recordings may bring me in touch with sentient beings on those planets, including beings of Light that may call those planets home.

Here are representative recordings …. Perhaps you would like to join me in attempting contact with the beings of these planets, especially the members of the Council of Maws who are representatives of these planets? As well, at appropriate conjunctions of the stars, we may expect messages from our star brethren in other constellations … Alpha Mass hysteria examples today, Andromeda, Arcturus, Lyra, Mintaka, the Beings of Light of the Pleiades, and the Sirians, perhaps.

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Perhaps even we may make contact with Beings of Light from constellations that we have not yet heard from, as human beings. I am really looking forward to it, as I am sure many of you are. Many people got sea sick though.]

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