My role in my family -

My role in my family - your phrase

Presenting Just NO! Advice Needed self. My JustNoMom is very codependent and has a habit of acting more like a kid than an adult. It has only gotten worse as I have gotten older, to where we are at now. My dad and mom are not in love and have not been for over 15 years but stay tigether out of convenience. my role in my family

If I ever doubted the conventional wisdom that Prince Philip was an afterthought, my reaction to his death confirmed it. I was immediately saddened for his wife of 73 years.

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His plummy accent and regal presence turned my arms into jelly. Just like the prince, where I lived was directly tied to my spouse with the high-powered career. After more than a decade, I had accepted that Alberta was my home. In yet another of the many coincidences that has convinced me there are no coincidences, I was scheduled to become a Canadian citizen the day after the royal tour.

my role in my family

The ceremony required me to pledge my loyalty to Queen Elizabeth II. As long as she was in town, I figured I might as well see her in person. My husband, who had seen Prince Charles and Princess Diana on a visit years earlier, bowed out.

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Our son, who was 7, dismissed it as a waste of time. He offered no opinion about Philip. Why would he? Our daughter, Elizabeth, who was 9, was eager to famiy the most famous person who shared her name. The royal appearance was to take place at Churchill Square in downtown Edmonton.


The four of us set out nearly three hours before the event. Two hours later, the royals, accompanied by the mayor and his wife, made their entrance.

my role in my family

I knew the mayor and his wife. They were members of my tiny synagogue.]

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