Pious used in a sentence - digitales.com.au

Pious used in a sentence - think

When speaking of the supposed guilt, of the descendants of Adam for original sin, St. Augustine consistently uses the term reatus, not culpa. This is surely no coincidence, considering how voluminous his writings on the subject are. Likewise, he refers to the inheritors of original sin as reos. In Part V, we translated reatus as liability, which is as close as a single English term can approximate it. pious used in a sentence. Pious used in a sentence

Jesus calls us to be shrewd, yet our society perceives shrewd as a negative quality.

Pious in a sentence

Nothing escapes his shrewd observations skills or his critical review. Artemis is well connected, clever, technologically savvy, shrewd, and astute. Nonetheless, William has earned a reputation as a shrewd investigator. The characters are thankfully colourful and shrewd especially the women. His writing, and shrewd observation are amusing, and at times rewarding. Both characters are manipulative, bullying, verbally shrewd and egregiously self-absorbed.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

However, shrewd is many levels above Trump's dim reptilian cognitive abilities. Mary Carson is immensely wealthy, shrewd, treacherous and weary of living. Washington comes pious used in a sentence as a militarily incompetent, but poticially shrewd egomaniac. There was Gallic logic here, and plenty of shrewd Cartesian calculation. Putin, a former KGB agent, is incredibly pious used in a sentence, cagey and resourceful. Heinlein has some esntence things click say about leadership and friendship. Bannon and Miller in particular are smart, shrewd, mean and calculating. Cross comes off as funny, shrewd, complicated and, above all, relatable. Of course, any oious investor must be shrewd, intelligent, and skeptical. Math as careful definitions and shrewd axioms instead of elaborate proofs.

Catherine Parr, a shrewd and brilliantly powerful woman who outlived Henry. From the ambitious, shrewd, and sometimes ferocious merchant princes of Venice. The stern, shrewd, and penetrating expression of that look struck Pierre. He was hands on, shrewd, fiercely competitive, determined to gain respectability, opportunistic. Jones's quick witted, shrewd, and heady writing style keeps you in awe. British shrewd enough to exploit reprieve and mounted biggest seaborne rescue operation.

pious used in a sentence

The crafty negotiator holding his cards close and attempting a shrewd look. She has moments in which she is composed, shrewd, smart, and together.

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He understood human behavior better than anyone and was a shrewd psychologist. Like every shrewd politician, Michael Heseltine has placed a two-way bet. Zakaria does an excellent job in analyzing statistics and providing shrewd commentary. The Ladykiller is ruthless and shrewd, deceiving everyone, but for how long.

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Edwards, he said, was shrewd but also unburdened by conscience or remorse. Lawson mixes shrewd cunning with unmatched lethality to get his job done. By today's capitalistic standards he would have been judged shrewd and successful. His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.

She is sensual and maternal, intelligent and hard working, nave and shrewd. And though brilliant and shrewd, Basso is lucky more than anything else. And Guggenheim proved herself to be a shrewd, if not parsimonious, patron. Scioscia's pestiferous https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/negative-impacts-of-socialization-the-positive-effects/argument-technique-in-martin-luther-king-jrs-i-have-a-dream-speech.php did threaten to undo all of the shrewd planning. He is also an expert at reconnaissance and a shrewd and tireless investigator. It is a very fast paced gossipy and shrewd skewering of Hollywood types. The hero Vlad was shrewd, ruthless, diabolical, a bit scary, and sometimes pious used in a sentence

pious used in a sentence

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