Poem to an athlete dying young - digitales.com.au

Poem to an athlete dying young

Poem to an athlete dying young Video

To An Athlete Dying Young by digitales.com.aun - Poetry Reading poem to an athlete dying young

The time you won your town the race We chaired you through the market-place; Man and boy stood cheering by, And home we brought you shoulder-high.

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This person was a poem to an athlete dying young in his small town. When he was a runner he won a specific, important race and people carried him through the streets celebrating. This first stanza, as well as all those which follow, or examples of apostrophe. This is a technique where the speaker of the poem addresses someone or something that is incapable of hearing and understanding what is being said. In this case, the young man has died and will never read or hear these lines. This is an allusion to the fact that all the townspeople, young and old, felt the same pride https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-technology-in/greenhouse-effect-caused-by.php the accomplishments of this young man. A reader should remember this celebratory atmosphere and take note of how it is mimicked in the following stanza. Today, the road all runners come, Shoulder-high we bring you home, And set you at your threshold down, Townsman of a stiller town.

There was another procession, but this time it was for a very different reason, the young man has passed away.

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Smart lad, poem to an athlete dying young slip betimes away From fields where glory does not stay, And early though the laurel grows It withers quicker than the rose. It could suggest that the speaker feels that athpete boy was smart to die. This also raises the possibility that the young man committed suicide or that it was in someway a conscious decision to die. In heaven, or wherever one ends up aj death, glory is not fleeting as it is on earth. The laurel wreath is a traditional symbol of accomplishment, dating back to Greek and Roman times. The Rose is often used as a symbol of love, passion, and in this case, fragility. Its beauty is almost the pinnacle of temporary pleasure. Then, when it is put up against the laurel, it becomes even more clear how temporary glory is. Eyes the shady night has shut Cannot see the record cut, And silence sounds no worse than cheers After earth has stopped the ears.

This is in reference to the running record that the young man set while he was still alive.

poem to an athlete dying young

Now, it does not matter to the young man whether there is cheering for his accomplishments, crying for his death, or silence. Now you will not swell the rout Of lads that wore their honours out, Runners whom renown outran And the name died before the man. It is likely that source fact is what led the speaker to suggest that the young man was smart to die.

poem to an athlete dying young

His young death has solidified him as glorious for the rest of the time. So set, before its echoes fade, The fleet foot on the sill of shade, And hold to the low lintel up The still-defended challenge-cup.

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It is up to the reader to interpret whether these lines are addressed to the dead young man, as the rest of the poem has been, or if the poet is changing intended listeners and is instead talking to the townspeople of whom he considers himself one. This is the boundary between one world and the next, the windowsill is between the inside and outside. In the last two lines, it is possible still that the speaker is addressing the townspeople or the athlete.

poem to an athlete dying young

He imagines the afterlife, it kind of underworld, and which the young man is still wearing the laurel crown on his head.]

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