Procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it -

Procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it Video

The ONLY way to stop procrastinating - Mel Robbins

Procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it - how that

Surprise, surprise this leads to putting our dreams on hold! Maybe something will show up later. Or in some cases yes, me a sort of recovering perfectionist. So what do we do? We put stuff off till everything seems perfect. Though of course it never does, it never is, and it never can be. Anyone for failure? And this ego construct can stop you in your tracks. The place were you can see how to make procrastination work for you. Procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it procrastination: why you do it

But in my defense, I did have a full plate most of the time and an overflowing to-do list. I simply learned to prioritize over which things needed my full attention in the order of their importance.

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Nevertheless, I am also guilty of putting some things off. True that worked to my advantage more often than not — somehow, I had this uncanny sixth sense of postponing certain things and it would turn out to be a good thing I did. But yes, procrasitnation: were things I put off and regretted deeply.

procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it

Truth is, every single one of us tends to procrastinate over something or other. Of course, this can often make a deadline more exciting as the shortage of time makes you rush to the finish line.

What is procrastination?

And yes, I am one of those people who works well under pressure. But if putting things off is something that ends in self-sabotage, you have to end your procrastination. It is just a lousy habit that you need to get rid of.

procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it

When procrastination is an ingrained habit, it messes with your relationships. The messing up also extends to the work scenario where you put something off for so long yoj you end up feeling guilty and stressed — and maybe even lose your job. The good news is procrastination is a choice.

What is Procrastination?

To end your procrastination, the first thing is to recognize that it is a habit and changing it to replace it with a positive habit will take time and effort. You need to be consistent with practicing the new habit so that you procrastinafion: make the right choice when you must make the decision — to procrastinate or not to procrastinate.

procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it

So here are 17 powerful tips you can practice to end your procrastination. Start with a few.]

One thought on “Procrastination: why you do it, what to do about it

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