Progressive era philosophy -

Progressive era philosophy Video

U.S. History, The Progressive Era progressive era philosophy Progressive era philosophy

Unreasonable Men by Michael Wolraich. Response to "What is Progressive Realism" ["But the article was essentially about describing the differences between schools of thought while obviously giving evidence the author thought supported a different school than has predominated and was making a case for trying something different"] Robert Wright progresssive the 2nd paragraph makes "realist" a synonym for Kissinger's cynical "realpolitik", thus loading any "realist" with the baggage of Kissinger's policies in Vietnam, turning a blind eye to disaster in Indonesia, et al. A rather tawdry piece of smear and false equivalency. To be clear, the level of human carnage in SE Asia and the expulsion of Commusts from Indonesia was huge - incomparable to progressive era philosophy tolls we've seen in Mideast conflicts the last 20 years.

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But Wright pulls this off with a "Maybe McFaul had Kissinger in mind when he lamented the 'deaths and horrific repression' that past realists Certainly not honed in on 1 particular Secretary of State from our Nixon years. If this is Wright's "evidence" in "supporting a different school" i. Note, the whole of McFaul's tweet :. In the debate about the future Biden foreign policy Im seeing progressive era philosophy self-identify as "progressive realists. Or the "pragmatic idealists? It's obvious by paragraph 6 that the real target of this is to bash the choices of Blinken and Sullivan and Obama in general as blinkered idealists with blood on their hands.

You'd think Neville Chamberlain would come up as such an idealist before 2 apparatchiks within a much more limited alliance, failed or not. As this piece progresses, we'll see that it's not really introducing a new source, but using a purported framework to beat the old dead horse with once again.

Let's take this framework 1 by Did arming rebels in Syria work? Was Russia's propping Syria up vs Yeltsin's relative acquiescence in Kosovo a big differentiator? As was the more entrenched state of Assad II, and the fact that European powers are less committed to non-European conflicts. Actually it's partly dumb - the death and progressive era philosophy was on the side of the Syrian people - European allies just had to deal with refugees, while Americans progressive era philosophy not a whit, nor did Russians - they got a Mediterranean seaport out of it.

And I can't think of a recent leader who exhibits caution and no-drama better than Obama, so what gives? But nowhere do I see any perspective of the Arab Spring - where Tunisian revolts were successful, where Egyptian repression was bloody but through our help peacefully transferred to caretaker and then a Muslim-led government that turned out to be much worse and chaotic than Mubarak. But so was Pakistan and then Pakistan-Bangladesh once the British left.

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So is South Africa after Mandela replaced De Klerk, and then a bunch of uninspired self-serving idiots replaced Mandela. Does "progressive realism" now mean keeping dictatorships and caretaker colonialists in place, the old patronizing infantilist recipe? But just as Milosevic largely kept a fractured Yugoslavian Balkans together, Qaddafi's brutal dictatorship kept ruthless splinter groups at bay, as did Hussein's strongarm control of Iraq, etc.

progressive era philosophy

Maybe, maybe not - could be a bridge too far. But most Iraqis support pushing Israel into the sea - freedom doesn't equal good taste or wise choices by a long beleagoured populace.

progressive era philosophy

Caveat emptor. I mean, Chamberlain was empathetic towards Hitler and his needs, and produced a brilliant peace for his time. Does "cognitive empathy" extend to the people of Ukraine themselves? Seems not. Oh well, conflicting narratives, move on]

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