Reasons why youth join gangs -

Reasons why youth join gangs - sympathise with

Drug Trafficking Among Gangs and Organized Crime Application: Drug Trafficking Among Gangs and Organized Crime Groups Much like the sale of alcohol during Prohibition, drug trafficking, today, takes advantage of a market with high demand for illegal substances—but on a global and more lucrative scale. Unfortunately, the competition among gangs and organized crime groups, to monopolize these markets, contributes to the use of violence to both maintain discipline within the gangs and to intimidate—and even eliminate—competitors. For instance, when the crack-cocaine epidemic hit inner-city areas of the U. This is due, in large part, to gangs that were fighting to maintain control of selling drugs on their own turf. Violence erupted when other gangs infringed on these demarcated areas. Today, with international trafficking of heroin and cocaine, gangs and organized crime groups are even more protective of their territory. Any group or person who encroaches on their profits is likely to meet with violence or death. reasons why youth join gangs Reasons why youth join gangs

In fiction, gangs are drawn up as a group that came together to commit crimes and other rebellious acts as they refuse to conform to normal society.

Discover why kids join gangs

The stories are action packed with blood and criminality. Often the gangs in these stories fight with houth police, wise off in court, as you watch you shake your head about how evil they are, but you keep watching and stuffing popcorn in your face. Many people love gangbanging films and books, Reasons why youth join gangs myself am a fan as I grew up watching Colors and Blood in Blood Out just to name some. You may be snickering to yourself so far as you have read this article as it all sounds cheesy and silly about these villains wearing colors and flashing their symbols, but these fictional movies and books have painted a picture of gangs for generations.

reasons why youth join gangs

When you turn on the television or check news feeds from media outlets around the country you hear or read the same stories of drugs, violence and intimidation from gangs. You read heartbreaking stories of little boys and girls mowed down by gun fire as neighbors tell the press how sad it is because the parents are too agonized to speak to the media.

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Many people around the country waited breathlessly for the final verdicts on the leadership of the biggest gangs in Chicago in the s and s as RICO type indictments were handed down from anything from fraud to conspiracy murder charges. Reasons why youth join gangs enforcement held so read article press conferences during the 80s and 90s talking about how these criminal groups would be brought to justice as much of the middle class wanted to feel safer knowing these big-time gangsters were going to be locked up.

I do not promote gang violence or gqngs behavior and I am not here to excuse behavior like many groups have tried to advocate for years. I am only here to provide an understanding of what these groups were truly built upon. My info comes from the streets with very little from books.

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If I take anything from the books it is from authors that got their info from the streets. During my time researching Chicago gangs I have had the pleasure of interviewing founders, co-founders and original members of these gangs.

reasons why youth join gangs

I have met many good people and have been surprised over time to find out how decent many people are that I talk to even if they have a criminal record, even if they killed anyone in some cases. I talked the founders and originals that started gangs in the s, s and s and I often keep getting cycled back to the same theme over again. I interviewed men and women from all different groups reasons why youth join gangs all different neighborhoods and I still get very strikingly similar reasons for the startup of these gangs and I have been taken back by it over the years.]

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