Subphylum vertebrata -

Subphylum vertebrata

Subphylum vertebrata - are not

Phylum Chordata is an important phylum. Its name is derived from the notochord. Endoskeleton is the chief basic character of the Chordata phylum. This endoskeleton is an important factor in the development and specialization of the higher animals. Man is the most important chordate. The chordates show a great variety. They live in all kinds of habitats. All the chordates possess three basic characters:. subphylum vertebrata

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Disclaimer Privacy Policy Feedback. Choose a file. This monophyletic group shares the basic chordate characteristics with the other two subphyla, but in addition it demonstrates a number subphylum vertebrata novel homologies that the others do not share. The alternative name of the subphylum, Craniata, more accurately describes the group since all have a cranium bony or cartilaginous braincase whereas, the jawless fishes lack vertebrae. Adaptations that Have Guided Vertebrate Evolution From the subphylum vertebrata fishes to the mammals, the evolution of the vertebrates has been guided by the specialized basic adaptations go here living endoskeleton, pharynx and efficient respiration, advanced nervous system, and paired limbs.

subphylum vertebrata

Living Endoskeleton The endoskeleton of vertebrates, as in the echinoderms, is an internal supportive structure and framework for the body. This internal location is a departure in animal architecture, since invertebrate skeletons generally enfold the body. Exoskeletons and endoskeletons have their own particular sets of advantages and subpgylum that are related to size. For vertebrates, the subphylum vertebrata endoskeleton possesses an overriding advantage over the dead exoskeleton of arthropods.

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Growing with the body as it does, the endoskeleton permits almost unlimited body size with much greater economy of building materials. Some vertebrates have become the most massive animals on earth. The endoskeleton forms an excellent jointed scaffolding for muscles and the muscles in turn protect the subphylum vertebrata and cushion it from potentially damaging impact.

subphylum vertebrata

We should note that vertebrates have not wholly lost the protective function of a firm external covering. The skull and thoracic rib cage subphyum and protect vulnerable organs. Most vertebrates are further protected with a tough integument, often bearing nonliving structures such as scales, hair, or feathers subphylum vertebrata may provide insulation as well as physical security.

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The endoskeleton was probably composed initially of cartilage that later gave way to bone. Cartilage forms a perfectly suitable endoskeleton for aquatic animals. Cartilage is superior to bone for fast growth and is therefore ideal for constructing the first skeletal framework of all vertebrate embryos. In agnathans hagfish subphylum vertebrata lampreyssharks and their kin, and even in some bony fishes such as sturgeons, the adult endoskeleton subphylum vertebrata composed mostly or entirely of manifest funtion. Bone appears in the endoskeleton of more derived vertebrates, perhaps because it offers two clear advantages to cartilage.

First, it serves as a reservoir for phosphate, an indispensable component of compounds with high-energy bonds, of membranes, and of nucleic acids.]

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