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East Central is a trendy, bohemian, artsy area that consists of KreuzbergFriedrichshainPrenzlauer Berg sometimes called PrenzlbergWedding and Gesundbrunnen. The western district Kreuzberg was merged with the eastern district Friedrichshain in They skew towards a young and alternative, often politically left-oriented crowd. Both districts feature a very heterogeneous architecture, from whole quarters of 19th century apartment houses to functional and not very pleasant s and 70s residential building blocks. You also notice the differences as the districts were separated by the wall.

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The remaining part of the wall between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg is the longest part still existing in Berlin. Prenzlauer Berg is to the northeast of Friedrichshain and has changed considerably since reunification. Rents have risen sharply in the last few years, and many hte apartments in this area are no longer rented out but sold, refurbished into luxurious lofts or hostel rooms. Wedding and Gesundbrunnen formed the Bezirk of Wedding prior to when the boundaries were redrawn. Wedding has long tradition of being home to the working class and accordingly voted "red" for most of the Kaiserreich and Weimar era.

the berlin boxing club movie

During partition it lay on the west side of the wall and attracted an above average number of immigrants, particularly of Turkish descent. Since reunification it has been gentrifying much like Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg albeit not at the same breakneck pace. The former districts of Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain had few things in common one thing is nowadays for sure the attraction to students, politically left mkvie young creative peopledue to their history on either side of the wall. Since the political decision to merge, these two districts work together politically. The name was made by flipping a coin to decide which name would appear first.

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Kreuzberg is one of Berlin's most eclectic districts, home to an unusual mix of left-wing punks, anarchists, gays, creative artists and Turkish immigrants, the last of which make up a third of the the berlin boxing club movie and have earned the area its occasional nickname Little Istanbul. Kreuzberg itself used to be covered by two post codes back in the four digit era, thee codes would contain two digits for the city and two for the city district, sometimes expressed as " Berlin, Kreuzberg 36" or the likes, but shortened to " Berlin" being 36 for the Southeastern part hence "SO 36" and 61 for the Southwestern part SW 61 or more commonly Kreuzberg The two areas had and to some extent still have distinctive characters, in part because SO 36 was surrounded by the wall on three sides and was therefore much more of a center for Berlin's leftist scene than the more bourgeois While the post codes were changed boxibg reunification, you will still find businesses and locals insisting on the part of Kreuzberg they're in being labeled correctly and caring a lot about the difference.

the berlin boxing club movie

The areas of Wedding and Gesundbrunnen used to be contained in the Bezirk Wedding until when they were merged into the Bezirk Mitte but the names and boundaries were retained for the Ortsteile. Wedding used to be known in Weimar times as "der rote Wedding" due to its working class left wing population.

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In later times, many immigrants, particularly Turks moved to the area. Nowadays Wedding is also increasingly gentrifying. Gesundbrunnen is named for a fountain that was ascribed beneficial properties for people's health. However said fountain is no longer extant.]

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