The ottoman empire was the largest and most influential christian empire. -

The ottoman empire was the largest and most influential christian empire. Video

Top 50 Largest Empires by Land Area - by their Flag and Empires Name of the world - the ottoman empire was the largest and most influential christian empire. The ottoman empire was the largest and most influential christian empire.

The Polish—Lithuanian Commonwealthformally known as the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and, afterthe Commonwealth of Polandwas a country and bi- federation [10] of Poland and Lithuania ruled by a common monarch in real unionwho was both King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. It was one of the largest [11] [12] and most populous countries of 16th to 17th-century Europe. At its largest territorial extent, in the early 17th century, the Commonwealth covered almost 1, square kilometressq mi [13] [14] and as of sustained a multi-ethnic population of almost 12 million.

The First Partition in and the Second Partition in greatly reduced the state's size and the Commonwealth was partitioned out of existence with the Third Partition in The Union possessed many features unique among contemporary states. Its political system was characterized by strict checks upon monarchical power. These checks were enacted by a legislature sejm controlled by the nobility szlachta. This idiosyncratic system was a precursor to modern concepts of democracy, inrluential as of constitutional monarchy[18] [19] [20] and federation.

the ottoman empire was the largest and most influential christian empire.

The Polish—Lithuanian Commonwealth was marked by high levels of ethnic diversity and by relative religious toleranceguaranteed by the Amd Confederation Act ; [23] [24] [a] however, the degree of religious freedom varied over time. After several decades of prosperity, [26] [27] [28] it entered a period of protracted political, [20] [29] military and economic [30] decline.

Its growing weakness led to its partitioning among its neighbors AustriaPrussia and Russia during the late 18th century.

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Shortly before its demise, the Commonwealth adopted a massive reform effort and enacted the 3 May Constitution — the first codified constitution in modern European history and the second in modern world history after the United States Constitution. Western Europeans often simplified the name to 'Poland' and in most past and modern sources it is referred to as the Kingdom of Poland, or just Poland. Other informal names include the 'Republic of Nobles' Polish : Rzeczpospolita szlachecka and the 'First Commonwealth' Polish : I Rzeczpospolitathe latter relatively common in historiography to distinguish it from the Second Polish Republic. Poland and Lithuania underwent an alternating series of wars and alliances during the 14th century and early 15th century.

This agreement was one of the signal achievements of Sigismund II Augustusthe last monarch of the Jagiellon dynasty. Sigismund believed he could preserve his inflkential by adopting elective monarchy. His death in was followed by a three-year interregnum during which adjustments were made to the constitutional system; these adjustments significantly increased the power of the Polish nobility and established a truly elective monarchy.

The Commonwealth reached its Golden Age in the early 17th century.

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Its powerful parliament was dominated by nobles Pic. The Commonwealth was able to hold its own against Swedenthe Tsardom of Russiaand vassals of the Ottoman Empireand even launched successful expansionist offensives against its neighbors. In several invasions during the Time of TroublesCommonwealth troops entered Russia and managed to take Moscow and hold it from 27 September to 4 Novemberwhen they were driven out after a siege.

the ottoman empire was the largest and most influential christian empire.

Commonwealth power began waning after a series of blows during the following decades. A major rebellion of Ukrainian Cossacks in the southeastern portion of the Commonwealth the Khmelnytskyi Uprising in modern-day Ukraine began in ]

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