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At a press conference Monday, Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon said he believes the female officer marhin identified by authorities as Kim Potter -- intended to deploy her stun gun when she "accidentally" shot year-old Daunte Wright.

A preliminary report issued by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Monday evening said that Wright's death was a homicide, as he died from a gunshot wound to the chest.

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The incident unfolded around 2 p. During the traffic stop, the officers determined that the driver of the vehicle here an outstanding gross misdemeanor warrant, according to Gannon. The passengers in the other car were not injured, according to Gannon. Officers and medical personnel "attempted life-saving measures" on Wright, the police chief said, but he died at the scene.


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A female passenger who was also in the vehicle with Wright sustained non-life-threatening injuries during the crash, according to Gannon. Brooklyn Center Trayvon martin older brother Department Brooklyn Center Police Department released body camera footage of the fatal shooting of year-old Daunte Wright during a press msrtin on April 12, in Minnesota. During Monday's press conference, the Brooklyn Center Police Department released body camera footage of the fatal encounter. Gannon said Potter can be heard in the video warning Wright and her fellow officers that she will be deploying her Taser.

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Wright with a single bullet. This appears to me, from what I viewed and the officer's reaction and distress immediately after, that this was an accidental discharge that resulted in the tragic death of Mr. The agency released a statement on Monday identifying Potter, a year veteran of the Brooklyn Center Police Department, as the officer involved in the deadly shooting.

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Potter has been placed on administrative leave pending the trayvoj of the investigation, according to Gannon, who identified her as a "very senior officer. Wright's mother, Katie Wright, said she was on the phone with him before he was killed. He was definitely a jokester, he loved to joke with people, especially his brothers trayvon martin older brother sisters," the family added. She said she saw him on Saturday, the day before he was killed. At a press conference Monday, authorities would not say how or if the officer who shot Wright would be punished but that all Brooklyn Center employees are "entitled to due process. Biden addressed the shooting on Monday afternoon, calling for an investigation into the "really tragic" incident. Was it intentional?

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That remains to be determined by a full-blown investigation," Biden told reporters in the Oval Office. MORE: Biden calls for investigation into Minnesota police shooting Vice President Kamala Harris tweeted Monday night that "Daunte's family needs to trayvon martin older brother why their child is dead -- they deserve answers. Tim Walz also held a press conference Monday to acknowledge the grieving that is taking place in his state amid the ongoing murder trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer charged in the May death of George Floydwhich sparked nationwide protests.

And in the midst of this trial that the world's watching the situation repeated itself yesterday. Moments after Wright was shot deaddozens of trayvon martin older brother holding Black Lives Matter signs gathered at the scene. John Harrington, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, said there were around people at the scene on Sunday who were "highly agitated" when investigators from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension responded.]

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