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Trifles feminism Video

Trifles by Susan Glaspell trifles feminism Trifles feminism trifles feminism

Tags Write an essay in which you compare and contrast the play Antigone by Sophocles with the play Trifles by Susan Glaspell. You should focus on trifles feminism major theme of each play, as well as 2 or more of the following elements in fejinism essay: character, setting, dialogue, stage directions, plot, and structure. Please consider 1 or more of the following questions in your essay: 1.

Comparison Of Trifles And A Jury Of Her Peers

How is Antigone an example of ancient Greek drama, and how is Trifles an example of modern drama? Ancient Greek drama trifles feminism often characterized by a ritualistic tone. The presence of a chorus is an example of this tone. How is Trifles an example of a feminist play? In a feminist story or play, the female characters typically struggle to assert their rights in a patriarchal society a society controlled by men.

trifles feminism

How does each play utilize this theme? The final draft of your essay should be 5 or more double-spaced pages and 1, or more words in length, trifles feminism a works cited page. Your essay should have a title as well as a thesis statement.

Analysis Of Sociological Imagination By Charles Wright Mills

You trifles feminism support each of your claims with quotations from the play s you choose to write about. After answering the above questions as part of the prewriting process, develop a Thesis Statement. Consult the triflew trifles feminism writing about drama in our textbook for help on formatting in-text citations for plays such as Antigone that are divided into acts and scenes.

Please also study the sample works cited page below.]

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