What if iraq won the iran-iraq war - digitales.com.au

What if iraq won the iran-iraq war what if iraq won the iran-iraq war.

The MEK attacked the Iran regime for "disrupting rallies and meetings, banning newspapers and burning down bookstores, rigging elections and closing down Universities; kidnapping, imprisoning and torturing political activists". ByMasud Rajavi had sided with Saddam Hussein in the Iran—Iraq War in exchange for financial support, a decision that was viewed as treason by the vast majority of Iranians and that destroyed the Darg case appeal in its homeland.

Critics have described the group as "resembling a cult". The group had no name until February According to Ervand Abrahamianthe Iran-iarq "modernist interpretation of Islam appealed to the educated youth, who, while still culturally attached to Islam, rejected its old-fashioned clerical interpretations".

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Unlike the clergy, it accepted Western concepts specially in social sciences. Their publications are commonly circulated within the Iranian diaspora. Khomeini did not like the MEK's philosophy, which "combined Marxist theories of social evolution and class struggle with a view of Shiite Islam that suggested Iran-iiraq clerics has misinterpreted Islam and had been collaborators with the ruling class".

what if iraq won the iran-iraq war

By earlythe MEK had organized themselves and recreated armed cells, especially in Tehran. The MEK together with other guerilla organizations helped overthrow the Pahlavi regime.

what if iraq won the iran-iraq war

Le Monde reported that "In te course of two decisive and dramatic days, the guerilla organizations, both Marxist and non-Marxist, had managed to bring down the Pahlavi monarchy". Ayandeganthe independent mass circulation daily, wrote that it had been predominantly the Feda'iyan and the MEK who had defeated the Imperial Guards. Kayhanthe mass circulation evening paper, said that the MEK, the Feda'iyan and other left-wing guerillas had played the decisive role in the final battles of 11 February.

what if iraq won the iran-iraq war

The first person to speak at length on national television immediately after the revolution was the father of three members of MEK who had been killed, Khalilollah Rezai. One of the first persons to address Iran on Radio Tehran was a MEK spokesman who congratulated the country for the revolution and hailed "His highness Ayatollah Khomeini as a glorious mojahed ". The MEK had managed to emerge from the underground onto the public arena, although it would soon enter into conflict with Khomeini.]

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