What is cri du chat syndrome - are not
Click a letter to see a list of conditions beginning with that letter. Click 'Topic Index' to return to the index for the current topic. Click 'Library Index' to return to the listing of all topics. Structural chromosome abnormalities occur when there is a change in the structure or parts of a chromosome. The total number of chromosomes is typically 46 total per cell. Structural chromosome abnormalities occur when part of a chromosome is missing, a part of a chromosome is extra, or a part has switched places with another part. Ultimately, this leads to having too much or too little genetic material. This is a cause of some birth defects. Each chromosome has many segments. These are usually divided into a "short arm" and a "long arm" of the chromosome. what is cri du chat syndromePharos Version 3. If the disease has a valid DOID, targets known to be associated with all child diseases are aggregated.
Click "Explore Associated Targets" to view more facets and details for the target list. DataSources which have contributed target associations to this disease, and the identifiers by which the disease is referenced.]
The absurd situation has turned out