What was the most important role textiles played in the industrial revolution - digitales.com.au

What was the most important role textiles played in the industrial revolution what was the most important role textiles played in the industrial revolution what was the most important role textiles played in the industrial revolution

The history of cotton can be traced to domestication. Cotton played an important role in the history of Indiathe British Empireand the United Statesand continues to be an important crop and commodity.

what was the most important role textiles played in the industrial revolution

The history of the domestication of cotton is very complex and is not known exactly. All the same tools were invented to work it also, rols combs, bows, hand spindlesand primitive looms. This was the usual word for cotton in medieval Arabic. Cotton fabric was known to the ancient Romans as an import but cotton was rare in the Romance-speaking lands until imports from the Arabic-speaking lands in the later medieval era at transformatively lower prices.

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The oldest cotton textiles were found in graves and city ruins of civilizations from dry climates, where the fabrics did not decay completely. It is here that Gossypium barbadense is thought to have been domesticated at its earliest. Seeds and cordage dating to about BCE have been found in Peru. Cotton Gossypium herbaceum Linnaeus may have been domesticated around BCE in eastern Sudan near the Middle Nile Basin region, where cotton cloth was being produced. The latest archaeological discovery in Mehrgarh puts the dating of early cotton cultivation and the use of cotton to BCE. Herodotusan ancient Greek historian, mentions Indian cotton in the link century BCE as "a wool exceeding in beauty and goodness that of sheep.

Handheld roller cotton gins had been used in India since the 6th century, and was then introduced to other countries from there. The Indian version of the dual-roller gin was prevalent throughout the Mediterranean cotton trade by the 16th century. This mechanical device was, in some areas, driven by water power. The earliest clear illustrations of the spinning wheel come from the Islamic world in the eleventh century.

The earliest unambiguous reference to a spinning wheel in India is dated tosuggesting that the read more wheel was invented in the Islamic world and later introduced from Iran to India. Egyptians grew and spun cotton from 6— CE. Cotton was a common fabric during the Middle Agesand was hand-woven on a loom. Cotton manufacture was introduced to Europe during the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula and Sicily. The knowledge of cotton weaving was spread to northern Italy in the 12th century, when Sicily was conquered by the Normansand consequently to the rest of Europe.

The spinning wheelintroduced to Europe circaimproved the speed of cotton spinning. Christopher Columbusin his explorations of the Bahamas and Cubafound inportant wearing cotton "the costliest and handsomest India had been an exporter of fine cotton fabrics to other countries since the ancient times. Sources such as Marco Polo, who traveled India revolutioh the 13th century, Chinese travelers, who traveled Buddhist pilgrim centers earlier, Vasco Da Gama, who entered Calicut inand Tavernier, who visited India in the 17th century, have praised the superiority of Indian fabrics.

The worm gear roller cotton ginwhich was invented in India during the early Delhi Sultanate era of the 13th—14th centuries, came into use in the Mughal Empire some time around the 16th century, [21] and is still used in India through to the present day.

The diffusion of the spinning wheel, and the incorporation of the worm gear and crank handle into the roller cotton gin, led click greatly expanded Indian cotton textile production during the Mughal era. It was reported that, with an Indian cotton gin, which is half machine and half tool, one man tbe one woman could clean 28 pounds of cotton per day.

With a modified Forbes version, one man and a boy could produce pounds per day.]

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