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Pearson High School. This incident led to a suspension. He began to model his accent on that of Marlon Brando. Gosling has credited the experience with instilling in them "this great sense of focus. Timberlake's mother became Gosling's legal guardian after his mother returned to Canada for work reasons.

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He wanted to spend more time sitting with and devising a character as well as play a variety of roles, so he chose to enter film and not accept any more television work. He was dropped by his agent and initially found it difficult to secure work because of the "stigma" attached to children's television.

Director Henry Bean said he cast Gosling because his Mormon upbringing helped him understand the isolation of Judaism. Bullock played big short full movie detective tasked with investigating the crime. Lisa Schwarzbaum of Entertainment Weekly described him as "a phenomenal talent even in junk like this" [42] while Todd McCarthy of Variety felt that the "strong and "charismatic" young actors were "let down by the screenplay".

Gosling has said that the opportunity to work with Morse made him "a better actor".

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He was drawn to the role because it was unusual to find a character that was "emotionally disconnected for the whole film. Shepard co-starred in The Notebook. What the f was that movie about? I'm just as proud if someone says, 'Hey, you made me sick in that movie,' as if they say I made them cry.

Reuters Now

To prepare for the role, Gosling moved to New York for one month before shooting began. He lived in a small apartment in Brooklyn and spent time shadowing an eighth grade teacher.

big short full movie

He drew inspiration from James Stewart 's performance in Harvey. He originally turned down the role, but changed his mind when Hopkins signed on. Each actor is playing a pulp type rather than a fully formed individual, but both fill in the blanks with big short full movie alchemical mix of professional and personal charisma. However, he left the production two days before filming began because biy "creative differences" and was replaced by Mark Wahlberg. The director Peter Jackson and the producer Fran Walsh persuaded him that he could be aged with hair and make-up changes. It was our blindness, the desire to make it work no matter what.

Math in Movies: Big

I just showed up on set, and I had gotten it wrong. Then I was fat and unemployed. It's OK to be too young for a role.]

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