Bill nye on abortion -

Bill nye on abortion Video

2016 Final Presidential Debate: Abortion

Bill nye on abortion - was specially

The Trump administration has released a bevy of proposed and final rules over the last few weeks to try to shape the future of health-care policy as Congress has failed to make significant headway over the last two years and as a Democratic House promises to thwart any Republican efforts in the Senate. The policies would allow employers to seek religious and moral exemptions from providing contraceptive coverage to employees, penalize immigrants for enrolling in Medicaid and permit states to use federal health insurance subsidy dollars to pay for plans that discriminate based on pre-existing conditions. The Trump administration released two final rules on Nov. But the rule change, which will take effect Jan. Starting in , the Affordable Care Act, or ACA, required that all new private plans cover a wide range of contraceptive services and supplies without any out of pocket costs to patients. The ACA was the first law to establish preventive coverage requirements across all individual, small group, large group, and self-insured plans. The accomodation allowed women to still receive coverage even if their employer objected to providing it based on religious grounds by having insurance plans offer coverage without contraception to employers while offering contraceptive coverage directly to employees and their dependents with no out of pocket costs. The two new Trump administration rules will allow employers to decline to offer contraceptive coverage to their employees based on religious and moral grounds. All companies can claim the religious exemption; publicly traded companies cannot claim the moral exemption. Under the new rules, employers will have three options: Continue to provide contraceptive coverage to employees, claim the accommodation or claim an outright exemption based on religious or moral grounds.

Opinion you: Bill nye on abortion

Bill nye on abortion Vanessa Ray has lived in New York City on and off for the past decade, renting or subletting in the theater district, on the far reaches of Upper West Side, in Brooklyn and, more than once, in Lincoln Square. “I had always watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television, and when I . Dublin, Ireland, Oct 8, / pm America/Denver (CNA). The Irish bishops on Friday lamented that the draft bill to legalize abortion in the Republic would require pro-life healthcare. BOISE, Idaho — Note: This story originally appeared on The Idaho Press website. The Idaho Senate on Monday failed to override the governor's veto of SB aa, the emergency powers bill that Gov.
Mean girls runtime Dublin, Ireland, Oct 8, / pm America/Denver (CNA). The Irish bishops on Friday lamented that the draft bill to legalize abortion in the Republic would require pro-life healthcare. BLUE HILL, Neb. -- A south central Nebraska town is the second in the state to outlaw abortion. The town of Blue Hill has become the 25th city in the nation to pass an ordinance outlawing abortion within their city limits. The vote of the Blue Hill City Council was. BOISE, Idaho — Note: This story originally appeared on The Idaho Press website. The Idaho Senate on Monday failed to override the governor's veto of SB aa, the emergency powers bill that Gov.
Bill nye on abortion Pelosi, Durbin Balk at Effort to Expand U.S. Supreme Court. In February , Ham debated American science educator and engineer Bill Nye (popularly known as "Bill Nye the Science Guy") on the topic of whether young Earth creationism is a viable model of origins in the contemporary scientific era. Critics expressed concern that the debate lent the appearance of scientific legitimacy to creationism while also stimulating Ham's fundraising. The passage of the heartbeat abortion ban comes after the Texas Senate approved similar legislation. The heartbeat bill, state Senate Bill 8, passed on third reading late last month Sponsored by state Sen. Bryan Hughes, R-Mineola, the bill would require abortionists to check for an unborn baby’s heartbeat and prohibit the abortion if it is.
bill nye on abortion Bill nye on abortion

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So why did I not even bother watching the big debate? I had great frustration as soon as I heard about the debate. On Facebook after the debate, someone in apologetics I know posted asking who won. As readers know, I am an old-earth creationist. I do not hold hostility towards YEC. My ministry partner is a YEC. More importantly, my wife is a YEC. What I have a problem with is a dogmatic YEC. I in fact have just as much a problem with a dogmatic OEC. Someone is not more or less of a Christian bill nye on abortion of their views on the age of the Earth.

bill nye on abortion

Here are people who love him bill nye on abortion than I do who are OEC. Too often, YEC is presented as the biblical model. As readers know, I happen to think John Walton has the right model. My review of his book on the topic can be found here and my interview with him can be found here. I also have another viewpoint that can be considered different from a number of Christians and that is that I do not consider the question of evolution important to Christian truth. That does not mean the question is unimportant in itself, but if you want to know if Christianity is true or not, you do not need to ask if evolution is true or not.

Vanessa Ray, 39

Now if matter is all there is, then of course Christianity is not true, but because evolution is true, it does not necessitate that matter is all that there is. In my own work, I refuse to speak on evolution as evolution and my reasoning for doing such is quite simple.

I am no scientist. If evolution is to be critiqued, I believe it should be critiqued scientifically. If I fault the new atheists for speaking on philosophy, history, bill nye on abortion studies, etc. For those who do wish to critique evolution, there is no reason to bring Scripture into it. The claim of evolution is a scientific claim and if it falls, it will fall on a scientific basis. I have no problem with people critiquing evolution.

I gill no position on the matter simply because I aortion not scientifically defend or deny evolutionary theory. I am not a scientist and it is not my language. I will stick to the metaphysical arguments instead.

bill nye on abortion

I see it being made as again, science vs. When we are trying to get people to become Christians, our goal should not be to get them to a viewpoint on the origins of old creation but rather on new creation.

bill nye on abortion

We want to get them to the risen Jesus and not to a 10, year old Earth. Suppose that someone believes in evolutionary theory and a 4.

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Such a person is in the Kingdom. No doubt about it. Now on the other hand, suppose there is someone, perhaps a Abotion, who will stand with Ken Ham and say that the Earth is bill nye on abortion 10, years old and macroevolutionary theory is a fairy tale. Suppose also that this person being a Jew and not Messianic denies that Jesus is the risen Lord. Such a person is not in the Kingdom. So which one should we be emphasizing and getting people to realize the most? The age of Earth and a stance on evolution, or should it be that we are getting them to recognize that Jesus is the risen Lord?]

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