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Censorship in society

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Kulvinder Kaur recently sat down with Dr. Throughout this pandemic, numerous studies have found that lockdowns have been quite ineffective at stopping the spread of covid. You can access some of those studies and read more about it here for more examples and an in depth discussion. You can read more about that here. Obviously, as you probably already know, there is information on both sides of the coin when it comes to all things covid. Some experts have not been given a voice, and discussion has been completely shut down. censorship in society

Have you ever had a osciety that you refrained from asking, because of what someone might think? Or had an idea that you were afraid to share, because of what someone might say? These are very common human impulses, sometimes even healthy. But if you are an academic professional or higher education student, and you refrain from sharing your work and ideas not because of these healthy impulses but out of fear, then you may be engaged in academic self-censorship. What Is Academic Self-Censorship? It is not about fear of being wrong. censorship in society

censorship in society

Fear of actual violence, including beatings, rape, and killings. Fear of actions by the state, including censorsgip arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment. Fear of non-state actors, including mob violence without adequate protection from public authorities. Fear not only of actions against yourself, but against family members or colleagues, including intimidation censorship in society children and parents and judicial hostage taking—the prosecution or imprisonment of a loved one to punish the expression of another. Academic self-censorship is common, and for good reason.

Attacks on higher education occur around the world with alarming frequency.

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The majority of attacks on higher education each year go unreported. They create climate of intimidation which shuts down inquiry, creativity, and expression. Most rational actors, witnessing what happens to the outspoken few, begin to filter their work, expression, even their thoughts. They shut up, and in some cases shut down entire areas of work.

censorship in society

They self-censor. Trying to Measure the Problem Academic self-censorship is extremely difficult to measure.

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If individuals are afraid to share their thoughts with even close colleagues, they are naturally reticent from sharing the dociety of their fears with unfamiliar researchers. But we have to try. If we cannot measure the problem, we cannot see it, and cannot fix it. Subscribe to our free newsletter. The survey consisted of an anonymous, web-accessible, self-reported public survey assessing both personal experiences with academic self-censorship over the last year e.

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Although more rigorous research methodologies would be desirable, the sensitivity of the topic and consistency of results to other recent research on academic freedom, including those reports cited here, suggest that the findings offer valuable data on a subject that warrants further study and discussion. Perhaps most alarming, 25 percent say they have experienced retaliation in the past year, and 47 are aware of colleagues who have suffered retaliation. Overall, 30 percent of respondents said they were more likely to self-censor today versus the year before. Only 22 percent said things were getting better and they were less likely to self-censor today, with 47 percent saying things were about the same.

These results align with other research. No censorship in society that an earlier study showed that 91 percent of researchers want to leave, and among these 43 percent specifically cited lack of academic freedom as a major reason to move abroad. Why do we care? For one thing, censorship in society restrictions on free inquiry and expression cost Arab economies money.]

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