Charlemagne franks -

Can: Charlemagne franks

Charlemagne franks Similarities between capitalism and communism
Jane elliot a class divided 631
Charlemagne franks 23 hours ago · On Christmas Day, CE, Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor, a title that seems to imply a great deal. In what ways was Charlemagne himself “holy” or “Roman?” Does he fit either description? Why or why not? 3. Some historians have called the Crusades “successful failures.” Using what you learned from the textbook readings. 53 minutes ago · Charlemagne(Charles the great) king of Frank was a great “warrior king”, he controlled the former European core of Western Roman empire, northern Italy and all Gaul and had absorbed its German and North sea periphery. Later in charles died and the crown was passed to . 5 hours ago · The Saxons discovered an able leader in Widukind, and in , managed to wipe out a substantial army of Franks. Charlemagne had 4, Saxons beheaded at Verden in retribution, and went on to celebrate 'The Nativity of Our Lord and Easter as .
charlemagne franks

After you post your own answer, you will need to respond to three of your fellow classmates.

charlemagne franks

Given what you have read in our charlemagne franks, do you believe that the Roman Empire declined and fell? Or that society, politics and life in general simply evolved-for the good or bad — after Odoacer overthrew Roman Emperor Romulus Augustulus in ? Use specific details and examples from the book to support your opinion. Why or why not? Do you with them?

Emperor Charlemagne Charles Martel King of the Franks Emperor of the West

The purpose of the Crusades were to win Christian control of the holy land, Jerusalem. The First Crusades did accomplish getting the holy land under Christian control but in the way Alexius had hoped. The leaders charlemagne franks these expeditions kept the newly conquered territories for themselves instead of handing to Alexius as he had hoped. Many more unsuccessful crusades happen later. The Muslims regained control in the middle east and the Christians lost the holy land. With charlemagne franks main goal of these holy wars being to gain control of the middle east, its obvious it was a failure.

Charlemagne Essay

The Christians control of the holy land was short lived. Some historians do credit some positive advancements to the Crusades.

charlemagne franks

Its also been said that the Crusades stimulated trade and shaped our modern taxation systems. Hunt, L. Commercial Quickening and Religious Reform, ]

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  1. Should you tell it — error.

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