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Criminological theories book criminological theories book

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Green criminology is a branch of criminology that involves the study of harms and crimes against the environment broadly conceived, including the study of environmental law and policy, the study of corporate crimes against the environment, and environmental justice from a criminological perspective. The term "green criminology" was introduced by Michael J. Lynch inand expanded upon in Nancy Frank and Michael J. Lynch's book, Corporate Crime, Corporate Violence[2] which examined the political criminological theories book origins of green crime and injustice, and the scope of environmental law.

The term became more widely used following publication of a special issue on green criminology in the journal Theoretical Criminology criminological theories book by Piers Beirne and Nigel South in The study of green criminology has expanded significantly over time, and is supported by groups such as the International Green Criminology Criminological theories book Group. Though green criminology was originally proposed as a political economic approach for the study of environmental harm, crime, law and justice, there are now several varieties of green criminology as noted below.

The initial grounding of green criminology was in political economic theory and analysis. In his original article, [10] Lynch proposed green criminology as an extension of radical criminology and its focus on political economic theory and analysis. In that view, it was essential to examine the political economic dimensions of green crime and justice in order to understand the major environmental issues of our times and how they connect with the political economy of capitalism. The political economic approach was expanded upon by Lynch and Paul B. Stretesky in two additional articles in the Critical Criminologist. Long and then Kimberly L. Barrett, the political economic explanation and empirical studies of green crimes were adapted to include a perspective on the structural influence of the criminological theories book of production on the creation of green crimes [15] drawn from the work of Allan Schnaibergenvironmental sociologyeco-socialism and ecological Marxism.

Throughout read more development of the political economic approach to green criminology, scholars have made significant use of scientific and ecological literatures, as well as empirical analysis, which have become characteristics of this approach and distinguish it from other varieties of green criminology. The second major variation of green criminology is the nonspeciesist argument proposed by Piers Beirne.

criminological theories book

Beirne's approach to green criminological theories book has been extremely influential, and there are now a significant number of studies within the green criminological literature focusing on nonhuman animal crimes and animal abuse. Ron Clarke and several colleagues, however, have explored empirical examinations of illegal animal trade and trafficking, here and this has become a useful approach for examining green crimes. Clarke's approach draws on more traditional criminological theory such as rational choice theory and crime opportunity theoryand hence is not within the mainstream of green criminological approaches.

Nevertheless, Clarke's approach has drawn attention to important empirical explanations of green crimes. Similar to criminological theories book fheories economic approach but without grounding in political economic theory, some green criminologists have explored the issue of green crime by examining how corporate behavior impacts green crimes. Bio-piracy includes issues of social and economic justice for native peoples.

These kinds of crimes fall into the category criminological theories book eco-crimes, boook term associated with the work of Reece Walters. Ecocide describes attempts to criminalize human activities that cause extensive damage cruminological, destruction of or loss of ecosystems of a given territory; and which diminish the health and well-being of species within these ecosystems including humans. It involves transgressions that violate the principles of environmental justice, ecological justice and species justice. When this occurs as a result of human behaviour, advocates argue that a crime has occurred. However, this has not yet been accepted as an international crime by criminological theories book United Nations.

Some of those who study environmental crime and justice prefer the use of Rob White's term, eco-global criminology. Conservation criminology is complement to green criminology. By integrating natural resources management, risk and decision science, and criminology, conservation criminology-based approaches ideally result in improved environmental resilience, biodiversity conservation, and secure human livelihoods.

criminological theories book

As an interdisciplinary science, conservation criminology requires the constant and creative combination of theories, methods, and techniques from diverse disciplines throughout the entire processes of research, practice, education, and policy. Thinking about the interdisciplinary nature of conservation criminology can be quite exciting but does require patience and understanding of the different languages, epistemologies and of the core disciplines.

Conservation criminology has been extensively applied to extralegal exploitation of natural resources such as wildlife poaching in Namibia [34] and Madagascar [35] corruption in conservation, [36] e-waste[37] and general noncompliance with conservation rules. It is often noted that green criminology is interdisciplinary and as a result, lacks its own unique theory or any preferred theoretical approach. Moreover, significant portions of the green criminological criminnological are qualitative criminological theories book descriptive, and those studies have generally not proposed a unique or unifying theory. Despite this general lack of a singular theory, some of the continue reading noted above crimnological certain theoretical preferences.

For example, as noted, the political economic approach to green criminology develops explanations of green crime, victimization environmental justice consistent with several existing strains of political economic analysis.

Beirne's approach takes criminological theories book interdisciplinary view of theory with respect to various animal rights models and arguments. Clarke's rational choice models of animal poaching and trafficking build on the rational choice tradition found within the criminological literature. To date, these different theoretical approaches have not been examined as competing explanations for green crime and justice, a situation that is found with respect to orthodox or traditional criminological theories of street crime.]

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