Crs rubella -

Crs rubella

Crs rubella - apologise

Rubella is a viral illness that causes a mild fever and a skin rash. It's also called German measles, but is not caused by the same virus that causes measles rubeola. Rubella is spread through contact with fluid from the nose and throat. It can be prevented with a vaccine. Babies and children who get rubella usually only have a mild case of the rash and some respiratory symptoms. But it can be a dangerous infection for a baby in the womb. crs rubella

Crs rubella - what, look

Die kleinen hellroten Flecken verschwinden wieder nach 1 bis 3 Tagen. Oft schwellen die Lymphknoten im Nacken und hinter den Ohren schmerzhaft an. Bei Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen Hier kann die Krankheit schwerer verlaufen. Erkrankte sind 1 Woche vor und bis zu 1 Woche nach dem Auftreten des Ausschlages ansteckend. Im Erwachsenenalter verlaufen die Erkrankungen oft schwerer. Welche Krankheitszeichen haben Erkrankte? Wann bricht die Krankheit aus und wie lange ist man ansteckend? Was muss ich bei einer Erkrankung beachten? Wo kann ich mich informieren?

Rubella is a typically mild childhood viral infection that may, however, have devastating consequences for infants infected before birth.

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The fetus or newborn may have symptoms depending on when during the pregnancy infection occurred. Blood tests and tests of other samples can be done to detect the virus in the fetus, newborn, or mother.

crs rubella

See also Cringeblog of Infections in Newborns and Rubella in older children and crs rubella. When a baby is born with rubella, the crs rubella is called congenital rubella. In congenital rubella, a ruella infected during the first 16 weeks particularly the first 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy passes the virus to the fetus through the placenta the organ that provides nourishment to the fetus.

This infection in the fetus causes miscarriagestillbirthor multiple, severe birth defects.

crs rubella

The earlier in pregnancy the infection occurs, the greater the risk of severe abnormalities. Congenital rubella is rare in the United States because rubella vaccination of girls and young women has become routine.

crs rubella

Depending on when during the pregnancy the fetus is infected, it may have no symptoms or may be stillborn. Infants who survive may have multiple birth defects.

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These birth defects are referred to as congenital rubella syndrome CRS. Small head. Hearing loss. Heart defects.]

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