Culture and society in the roman world -

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Culture and society in the roman world - thanks. think

The culture of Rome in Italy, refers to the arts, high culture, language, religion, politics, libraries, cuisine, architecture and fashion in Rome, Italy. Rome was supposedly founded in BC and ever since has been the capital of the Roman Empire , one of the main centres of Christianity , the home of the Roman Catholic Church and the seat of the Italian Republic. Due to its historical and social importance, Rome is often nicknamed the Caput Mundi , or "capital of the world". Originally capable of seating 60, spectators, it was used for gladiatorial combat. Often overlooked, Rome's medieval heritage is one of the largest in Italian cities. Basilicas dating from the Paleochristian age include Santa Maria Maggiore and San Paolo Fuori le Mura the second largely rebuilt in the 19th century , both housing precious 4th century AD mosaics. Later notable medieval mosaic and fresco art can be also found in the churches of Santa Maria in Trastevere , Santi Quattro Coronati and Santa Prassede. Lay buildings include a number of towers, the largest being the Torre delle Milizie and the Torre dei Conti , both next the Roman Forum, and the huge staircase leading to the basilica of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli. Rome was a major world center of the Renaissance , second only to Florence , and was profoundly affected by the movement. The most impressive masterpiece of Renaissance architecture in Rome is the Piazza del Campidoglio by Michelangelo , along with the Palazzo Senatorio, seat of the city government. culture and society in the roman world

Western culturesometimes equated with Western civilizationOccidental culturethe Western worldWestern societyand European civilizationis the heritage of social normsethical valuestraditional customs, belief systemspolitical systemsartifacts and technologies of the Western world culture and society in the roman world originated in or are associated with Europe. The term also applies beyond Europe to countries cultures whose histories are strongly connected to Europe by immigration, colonization, or influence.

For example, Western culture includes determinated countries in the Americas and Oceania. Western culture is most strongly influenced by the Greco-Roman and Christian cultures. Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of see more elements of Western culture, including the development of a democratic system of government and major advances in philosophy, science and mathematics.

The expansion of Greek culture into the Hellenistic world of the eastern Mediterranean led to a synthesis between Greek and Near-Eastern cultures, [2] and major advances in literature, engineering, and science, and provided the culture for the expansion of early Christianity and the Greek New Testament. Western culture is characterized by a host of artistic, philosophic, literary and legal themes and traditions.

Greek And Roman Mythology

Christianityincluding the Roman Catholic Church[7] [8] [9] Protestantism [10] [11] the Eastern Orthodox Churchand Oriental Orthodoxy[12] [13] has played a prominent role in the shaping of Western civilization since at least the 4th century, [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] as did Judaism.

Empiricism later gave rise to the scientific methodthe scientific revolutionand the Age of Enlightenment. Western culture continued to develop tue the Christianisation of European society during the Middle Ages, the reforms triggered by the Renaissance of the 12th century and 13th century under the influence of the Islamic world culturre Culture and society in the roman world and Sicily including the transfer of technology from the East, and Latin translations of Arabic texts on science and philosophy[23] [24] [25] and the Italian Renaissance as Greek scholars fleeing the fall of the Byzantine Empire after the Muslim conquest of Constantinople brought classical traditions and philosophy. Tendencies that have come to define modern Western societies include the concept of political pluralismindividualismprominent subcultures or countercultures such as New Age movements and increasing cultural syncretism resulting from globalization and human migration.

The West as a geographical area is unclear and undefined. More often the ideology of a state's did archimedes married is what will be used to categorize it as a Western society. There is some disagreement about what nations should or should not be included in the category and at what times.

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Many parts of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire are considered Western today but were considered Eastern in the past. However, in the past it was also the Eastern Roman Empire that had many features now seen as "Western," preserving Roman law, which was first codified by Justinian in the east, [38] as well as the traditions of scholarship around PlatoAristotleand Euclid that were later introduced to Italy during the Renaissance by Greek scholars fleeing the fall of Constantinople. Geographically, the " West " of today would culture and society in the roman world Europe especially the states that collectively form the European Unionthe United Kingdom, Norway, and Switzerland together with extra-European territories belonging to the English-speaking worldthe Hispanidadthe Lusosphere ; and the Francophonie in the wider context.

Since the context is highly biased and context-dependent, there is no agreed definition of what the "West" is.

Greek And Roman Civilizations : Greece And Ancient Civilizations

It is difficult to determine which individuals fit into which category and the East—West contrast is sometimes criticized as relativistic and arbitrary. Stereotypical views of "the West" read article been labeled Occidentalismparalleling Orientalism —the term for the 19th-century stereotyped views cuture "the East". It has been disputed by some philosophers whether Western culture can be considered a historically sound, unified body of thought. As Europeans discovered the wider world, old concepts adapted. The area that had formerly culture and society in the roman world considered the Orient "the East" became the Near East as the interests of the European powers interfered with Meiji Japan and Qing China for the first time in the 19th century.

The earliest civilizations which influenced the development of Western culture were those of Mesopotamia orman the area of the Tigris—Euphrates river systemlargely corresponding to modern-day Iraqnortheastern Syriasoutheastern Turkey and southwestern Iran : the cradle of civilization. The Greeks contrasted themselves with both their Eastern neighbours such as the Trojans in Iliad as well as their Western neighbours who they considered barbarians.

culture and society in the roman world

What is thought of as Western thought today originates primarily from Greco-Roman and Germanic influences, and includes the ideals of the Middle Agesthe Renaissanceand the Enlightenmentas well as Christian culture. While the concept of a "West" did not exist until the emergence of the Roman Soocietythe roots of the concept can be traced back to Ancient Greece.

culture and society in the roman world

Since Homeric literature the Trojan Warsthrough the accounts of the Persian Wars of Greeks against Persians by Herodotusand right up until the time of Alexander the Greatthere was a paradigm of a contrast between Socuety and other civilizations. During this period writers like Herodotus and Xenophon would highlight the importance of freedom in the Ancient Greek world, as opposed to the perceived slavery of the so-called barbaric world.

So What is an Origin Myth?

Alexander's conquests led to the emergence of a Hellenistic civilizationrepresenting a synthesis of Greek and Culture and society in the roman world cultures in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Following the Roman conquest of the Hellenistic world, the concept of a "West" arose, as there was a cultural continue reading between the Greek East and Latin West. The "Greek" East was generally wealthier and more advanced than the "Latin" West [ citation needed ]. With the exception of Italiathe wealthiest provinces of the Roman Empire were in the East, particularly Roman Egypt which was anr wealthiest Roman province outside of Italia.

For about five hundred years, the Roman Empire maintained the Greek East and consolidated a Latin West, but an east—west division remained, reflected in many cultural norms of the two areas, including language.]

culture and society in the roman world

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