Essays on standardized testing -

Essays on standardized testing - speaking the

The term standardized testing is variously understood. For instance, some equate standardized testing as the delimiter to college entrance and predictor of academic success, whereas others see these examinations as sociocultural gatekeepers, testing only a limited portion of the schooling experience. This entry describes typical standardized tests, takes a brief look at their history, and summarizes their pros and cons. No precise definition of standardized testing has been agreed on, and debate as to the meaning of the term continues. However, over the years, academic researchers have suggested that standardized tests are different from other forms of assessment in that they contain all of the following characteristics: a they are interpreted with reference to a norm group, b administration occurs under standard conditions, c they are designed by specialists in the content and measurement area, and d they are scored objectively. The testing category of mental ability, aptitude, and intelligence includes the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale and Wechsler series of scales, which can be administered individually or to a group. Today, these tests are rarely implemented in the classroom but are frequently used by educational and clinical psychologists. Although some test makers argue that many of these examinations are actually some measure of aptitude i. The evolution of standardized tests has an interesting history. essays on standardized testing

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Objective: Use the primary and secondary research you conducted on your research topic to develop your own distinct stance on the topic answering or responding to a research question. Write and revise an essay that presents a thesis communicating your stance, supports that thesis with arguments grounded primary and secondary research evidence, and attempts to persuasively convince an audience. Formally document your secondary research sources in-text and on a bibliography. We have spent significant time in the course learning how to analyze and synthesize information and ideas from both primary and secondary sources. For the final formal writing assignment of the semester, you will draw on those same skills to help you form an argument of your own in response to essays on standardized testing focused research question.

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You will consider your own opinions and experiences and support them against opposing viewpoints. Your voice should dominate this essay, using sources as support for your ideas. You want to take stand on your topic, finding something to say about your research question that more info not already been established in the literature: a new idea or fresh perspective.

Do not be afraid to break standarrdized conventional wisdom or find middle ground that is not recognized or established in the research youve found. Topic You essays on standardized testing to pick a topic you are curious about, but do not already have a committed position.

If you already know the answer going in, you will be biased by that: you will be more prone to agree with those sources that support your essays on standardized testing, and more likely dismiss those that oppose. As a result, certain topics today that are highly charged and tend stanndardized produce strong opinions are not a good choice for this essay.

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Planning Your Argument Essay Most of the planning for this assignment has been done already. In fact, most of this semester has been preparing you to write this essay. Re-read and take stock of all the research youve conducted, not essays on standardized testing your secondary sources but also the interviews you conducted for primary research. It is from these sources that you will derive evidence and construct arguments to support your thesis. Research Criteria You will include at least six 6 esssays total, including at least four 4 separate secondary sources and one 1 primary source for this essay, representing differing perspectives on your research question.]

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