Ethiopian invasion -

Ethiopian invasion - there

Nine bidders are telecom operators and two non-telecom operators, and one submission was incomplete, the regulator said. We will soon have Leaders of Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt said they were hopeful that the African Union could help them broker a deal to end a decade-long dispute over water supplies within two or three weeks. Ethiopia, which is building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam GERD which worries its downstream neighbours Egypt and Sudan, said it would fill the reservoir in a few weeks, as planned, providing enough time for talks to be concluded. The Egyptian presidency said in a statement after the summit that Ethiopia will not fill the dam unilaterally. They also signal an intention to solve the issue without foreign intervention. Security Council, will assist the countries in the negotiations and provide technical support. Cairo had appealed to the Council in a last-ditch diplomatic move aimed at stopping Ethiopia from filling the dam. ethiopian invasion

Ethiopian invasion Video

The Ethiopian Invasion of Makkah (Empire of Aksum)

Overpeople were slaughtered the last time these two countries fought a war in — This time, the death and destruction as well as the long term dislocation and suffering could be worse.

Incomprehensibly, the Bush administration is fanning the flames and taking sides in a tribal war between two dictators. Current U. Africa is rarely high ethiopian invasion the U. So, important decisions are relegated to low-level political appointees. Inexperienced diplomats such as Jendayi Frazer are manipulated by fast-talking African dictators such ethioppian Meles Zenawi.

ethiopian invasion

Just as in Iraq, the U. Just as Ahmed Challabi fed US lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Meles Zenawi fabricated stories about Somalia being a haven for terrorists. The invasion ethiopian invasion Somalia was waged to capture or kill three terrorists Meles claimed were hiding in Mogadishu. The three fugitives were wanted for the U.

None of these terrorists were captured or ethiopian invasion.

Yet, some 5, Somalis have been killed, thousands wounded and somemade homeless. Zenawi and his generals got paid handsomely. They have managed to impose their rule through mass arrests, disappearances and killings that amount to war crimes. It will be the ultimate folly and ignorance to construe the fight among Eritreans and Tigreans as one between supporters and opponents of Islamic extremism. The Eritrean population ethiopian invasion roughly half Moslem and half Christian. But political leadership has traditionally been dominated by the Christians. It is therefore absurd to believe that Eritrea will ethiopian invasion to be a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists, as some ill-informed American officials assert.

ethiopian invasion

Eritrea is also supporting Ethiopian opposition forces ethkopian are secular and fighting Tigrean domination. Zenawi has masterfully manipulated U. In truth, the Tigrian leadership could care less about the fight against terrorism. Ethiopian invasion Frazer, the US diplomat in charge of Africa, is labeling Eritrea a terrorist haven, creating the psychological climate for what appears to be a justification for ethiopian invasion invasion of Eritrea.

Yet another senseless U. According to Mr. While the rest of the region and the international community have united behind a common strategy for achieving lasting peace and stability in Somalia, Eritrea has opted to support terrorists and spoilers while encouraging continued violence. There is no justification for such actions.

ethiopian invasion

The ruling cabal is — to our great regret — leading Eritrea along the path toward increased domestic repression and hardship, and regional and international isolation. These are serious charges.

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Charges that indicate the Bush Administration and the Ethiopian leadership are working closely to overthrow the Eritrean government. But Eritrea is no Somalia. And there is no guaranty of a quick, easy ethiopian invasion. Hence the need for people of good will to speak up before yet another war engulfs two of the poorest countries in the world. The first scenario is what Meles Zenawi and his politburo would prefer.]

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