Ethnic cleansing in sudan -

Ethnic cleansing in sudan Video

Inside the Forgotten War in Darfur, Where the Killing Never Stopped

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Linkedin In , as ethnic cleansing in Rwanda raged, the international community remained eerily silent. A wave of genocidal massacres has swept Metekel in the Benishangul-Gumuz region of Ethiopia, creating a humanitarian catastrophe that has left hundreds of thousands displaced, thousands killed and injured and many more left destitute with their homes and livelihoods burned to ashes. While the unrest started in , the massacres in the last three months have accelerated with daily attacks and fatalities. The stories and images from the massacres are indescribably grim and disturbing: armed assailants going house-to-house identifying the ethnicity of individual households, families slaughtered and their bodies butchered, corpses disemboweled, bodies found with organs removed, children dying as they tried to flee with arrows lounged in their backs, families set ablaze in their homes, mothers killed as they protectively cradle their infants, children left orphaned, crops and livelihoods destroyed and fetuses removed from the wombs of women. With the death toll ranging from day to day— 34 killed one day, another , the victims are unceremoniously buried in mass graves. ethnic cleansing in sudan

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The Jubilee Year of Mercy was observed throughout the world but one bishop in South Sudan, suffering from war and famine, said it was especially needed in his country. In Decemberviolence erupted in the capital city of Juba and it quickly spread throughout the country.

ethnic cleansing in sudan

Peace agreements have been short-lived, with violence quickly resuming. Advertisement More than 1 million refugees have fled the country since the war broke out, the United Nations has said, and over 2 million within the country have been displaced from their homes.

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Starvation and hunger, lack of clean drinking water, and lack of education are among the most pressing problems. The World Health Organization in called the situation there one of the worst health emergencies in the world. An announcement vleansing the U. This situation is intolerable, will worsen the already dire humanitarian crisis.

ethnic cleansing in sudan

And this lead us to a national dialogue and to healing. But all this needs time, and is a process. Subscribe to our daily newsletter At Catholic News Agency, our team is committed to reporting the truth with courage, integrity, and fidelity to our faith.

ethnic cleansing in sudan

We provide news about the Church and the world, as seen through the teachings of the Catholic Church. We won't rent or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Another problem in the country is the recruitment of child soldiers. According to UNICEF estimates, 16, child soldiers have been recruited by government and opposition forces since the war began in ]

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