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Ethnic cleansing sudan Mar 20,  · South Sudan president gets Covid jab; Live Reporting. This is an automated feed overnight and at weekends. All times stated are UK. Get involved. Get involved. Send an email to africalive@bbc. 1 day ago · South Sudan, which obtained independence from Sudan in and is the world's youngest nation, has been mired in civil war since when Kiir, an ethnic . 1 day ago · in the southern region, particularly in Central Equatoria, in terms of an ethnic cleansing—a scorched- earth counterinsurgency so systematic that its devastation could be seen from outer space. 2 Women wait at a food distribution site in a United Nations camp outside Juba on March 22,
ethnic cleansing sudan

They arrive in heat that soars above 38 C Fcarrying the pain of gunshot wounds, torn vaginas, welts on beaten backs. Less visible are the memories: Dozens of bodies strewn on riverbanks.

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Fighters raping a woman one by one for speaking her own language. A child, weakened by hunger, left behind. Now, for the first time, they also bring proof of an official attempt at what is being called ethnic cleansing in the form of a new identity card that eliminates all traces of Tigray, as confirmed to The Associated Press by nine refugees from different communities.

Written in a language not their own, issued by authorities from another ethnic group, the cards are seen as the latest evidence of a drive by Ethiopia and its allies to destroy the Ethnic cleansing sudan people. His new card examined by the AP, issued in Clsansing, displays the Amharic language, an Amhara stamp and a border of tiny hearts.

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Ethiopia claims life in Tigray is returning to normal. But the refugees said abuses still occur. Almost all described killings, rapes and the destruction of crops that without massive food aid could tip the region into starvation. For months, Tigray has been largely sealed off from the world, with electricity and telecommunication access severed, leaving little to support claims that perhaps tens of thousands of people have been killed. The term refers to forcing a population from a region through expulsions and other violence, often including killings and rapes.

Refugees said Amhara authorities have taken over communities and ordered Tigrayans out. Goitom Hagos ethnic cleansing sudan Humera, told the AP he saw ethnic cleansing sudan of Tigrayans loaded into trucks, and doesn't know what happened to on rape culture. The Tigray conflict began in November as a political clash of past and present.

But Abiy took office in and moved to centralize power. The government opened a military offensive, saying Tigray forces had attacked a military base.

ethnic cleansing sudan

Witnesses say Amhara and Eritrean forces essentially split much of Tigray between them. The killings continue. In early March, year-old Alem Mebrahtu attempted a crossing of the Tekeze river between the parts of Tigray under Eritrean link Amhara sway. Separated from her children in the ethnic cleansing sudan, she had heard they were in Sudan. About 50 bodies were strewn near the riverbank, she said.

ethnic cleansing sudan

Some were looking up at the sky. The refugees said rapes are also widespread. Ethnic cleansing sudan woman said when she returned to her looted home in Humera, she was seized by militia members speaking Amharic. She asked them to speak Tigrinya, and they attacked her. The United Nations has said more than rapes cleansign Tigray have been reported to health care workers.

Almost every refugee described a worrying shortage of food.

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Most saw crops being looted or burned. Kidu Gebregirgis, a farmer, said the Amhara harvested around 5, kilograms 5. The conflict began shortly before the harvest in the largely agricultural region. Now the planting season approaches.

ethnic cleansing sudan

Tigrayans who passed through rural communities described starving people, often elderly, begging outside churches. Sometimes they did, too. Again, ethnicity was crucial.]

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