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Existentialism: Crash Course Philosophy #16

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Discover the joys and terrors of exploring reality through reason. Sunday, April 18, The Existential Peril Of Ignoring Truth For Desire The pursuit of random desires and pleasures for their own sake has no end but the setting aside of truth and the accompanying rejection of the only genuine source of stability. It is true that a lack of rationalistic initiative can help some people avoid existential crises out of sheer stupidity, as a non-rationalist is not even self-equipped to understand the epistemological and metaphysical issues that could prompt a personal crisis, but even non-rationalists are immersed in philosophical matters on a constant basis whether or not they wish to realize it, and some of their thoughts or experiences might still trigger an existential crisis. If this kind of turmoil consumes their life, they will have not prepared adequately. Random pleasures and distractions might be able to push back existential dread for a time, and not everyone will necessarily have the same subjective attitude or response towards any aspect of reality, but pleasure and distraction might only hold off awareness of how deep the ramifications of nihilism truly are for so long. Even someone truly able to find personal refuge in subjective happiness alone is no more than a potential moment away from having to painfully confront the fact that subjectivity can only have significance in light of objectivity and that unless there is objective meaning to human existence, subjective satisfaction is inherently empty, offering nothing more than temporary experiential contentment. That contentment could be snatched away or shattered by a simple philosophical analysis of the nature of contentment and subjectivity is one potential reason why so many people do not dwell on, bring up, or outwardly engage with any sort of philosophical ideas about epistemology and values outside of the narrow scope of their community's norms. A single moment of introspective and intellectual honesty could reduce an irrational person to sheer terror. If that moment comes--and, as philosophically apathetic and inept as most people are, it probably will come--the non-rationalist has no consistent grasp of reason ready to turn to. Existential personality existential personality

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So what helped me? These guiding spirits have either explained or revealed a number of things such as the purpose of our world as it relates to evolution, learning and human development including the role of incarnation, the information often comes in the form of an audible voice or telepathic communication. What took the existential fear out of death? In one instance some sort of spiritual entity was able to separate and remove me from my body whilst I took a nap, this also meant I could see myself outside of my body and it motivated me to write about the inner being. What I took away from this was there are several metaphysical parts of us that exist independently of physical matter, energy and the flesh body alluding to soul, consciousness, spirit and the formless god-self essence and centre of being. The Soul, Consciousness and Re-incarnation The idea of re-incarnation comes from religions such as Buddhism and Christianity and posits the idea that there is an eternal soul or spirit, something that sits and exists with the body within the physical paradigm and yet also exists outside of it and is capable of freeing itself from the world experience, accepting this often requires one to expand beyond the limiting boundaries and constraints of present-day scientific knowledge and conceptual thinking. The soul and consciousness are interesting things to consider when it comes to learning how to live more spiritually self-guided and fulfilling lifetimes. If a person becomes corrupted, the soul is often disconnected and your consciousness continues to develop on its own without damaging one of your most previous eternal aspects as this moves and accompanies you from lifetime to lifetime, for those going through an awakening and successfully reach a particular milestone, it is reintegrated into your experience and seems to exist from the heart space. If you make mistakes, they provide material and experiences from which to learn from, grow and develop. existential personality

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