Management essay -

Management essay management essay.

Students will submit a practice-based portfolio where they showcase their critical understanding of key practical elements of festival planning and management, as well as the ability for reflective thinking. The portfolio consists of one ESSAY of wordsand 2 forms relevant to the topics chosen not included in the word-count. management essay


The portfolio content for each student will be management essay by the tutor in the first weeks of teaching, but key areas may include:. It is important that the student reflects critically on the portfolio content, and in doing so incorporating relevant events and festival management theory.

management essay

You may use non-academic sources. It management essay understood that during the pandemic these will be online sources. Beware of calling the festival a case studyas essay implies a very detailed study of many aspects — it is better academic language in source instance to call the details on your chosen topics examples.

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The festival you choose does not have to be a music festival but it must be a festival, not an event. The essay should approach the topics with critical understanding, and should not be overly descriptive. The portfolio content for each student will be agreed by management essay tutor in the first weeks of teaching, but key areas may kanagement feasibility studies, license agreements, budget overviews, risk assessments, market research, marketing plans, organisational charts, evaluation strategies, action plans, planning schedules, run sheets, and contingency plans. Each essay must include two forms, either from this management essay above, or other relevant forms.

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The forms should be in an Appendix at the end of the essay, and will NOT be included in the word-count. This will depend very much on your topics: health and safety and sustainability might include licences, risk assessments, local council permissions and so on. Programming might include market research and planning schedules. Management essay manageemnt be able to find actual forms used by your festival — if so, include these. Reference the source in the usual way.

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If not, you can use blank forms management essay fill them in yourselves with information from click own research. You can make up your own appropriate formsessah information from your research. Reference the research sources, and make it clear that you have created the form yourself. If you find other forms which are less directly relevant but still interesting, you can include them in a second Appendix — not included in word-count.

management essay

This assignment is an academic essay, not a report or a business essay. You may use sub-headings if you wish. You may also include occasional tables, graphs, pie-charts etc.]

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