Methods of torture -

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Top 10 Worst Medieval Torture Devices and Methods methods of torture. Methods of torture

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I was held from January 23rd,until March 24th,and again from May 22nd, until December 15th,a total of four years. There are at least 15 methods of torture commonly used in persecuting practitioners methods of torture Xinhua Forced Labour Camp.

Ropes and Electric Batons There were numerous victims of this torture, and I would like to mention a few as examples to help mdthods understand what they actually did. One morning in Aprilseveral other practitioners and I more info studying the Falun Dafa teachings, sitting on the floor of a small classroom.

I was reciting the teachings to them.

Upright jerker

Camp guard Deng Tao discovered us. He brought me to the office for questioning and called in other guards from the fifth floor. They pushed me to the floor and stood on my back. They tied my hands very tightly behind me and then shocked me with electric batons.

Enhanced Interrogation Methods

Practitioner Mr. Li Ming shouted, "Those who talk nonsense will be punished" at a so-called exposure and criticism meeting. Guards Deng Haibo, Fu Weidong and others dragged him into an office and brutally beat him with the help of some inmates.

methods of torture

I met up with Mr. Li Ming at lunch and his lips were methods of torture swollen from the beating. He had many burn scars from the electric batons. One day I saw that practitioner Mr. Liu Yongsheng's lips were swollen with a thick layer of yellowish foam. I later learned that it was the result of repeated shocks by electric batons.

methods of torture

They did this to him for tearing down a propaganda mdthods in the corridor of the No. There was an "exposure and criticism meeting" methods of torture on February 13th, It was held by the No. Practitioners Mr. Li Yonghong, Mr. Wei Lang, Mr. Liu Yongsheng, Mr. Wang Renwei, Mr. Zheng Fangjun, and Mr. Huang Changdong repeatedly shouted, "Falun Dafa is good! Che Lian and Mr. Liao Ancai were beaten by guard Fu Weidong for refusing to write the so-called "ideological reports.

Cia Interrogations And Torture Methods

Chen Lian was forced to wear a helmet and endure further persecution. Xu Langzou and Mr. Li Zhiming were beaten methods of torture police ropes and batons, and kicked and punched for refusing to do slave labour at the construction site. In autumnpractitioner He Zhenyao was tortured with police ropes at the No. Disciplinary guard Wang called in about eight guards from the No.]

One thought on “Methods of torture

  1. Exclusive delirium, in my opinion

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