Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in quizlet -

Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in quizlet - that

Of course diversity of beliefs, music, food, dancing, art, political systems, language, values, philosophies and many other beautiful aspects of human diversity should be celebrated and past down and studied for future knowledge. But reverence for culture must end where the body, life and sanctity of a child is violated. No cultural authority deserves to be granted the green light by members of any other group to scarify, bleed, amputate parts, tattoo, pierce, stretch their necks with rings, place plates in their lips, burn, foot bind, water board, or any way cause extreme pain or permanent loss in function to children. Protection of the rights of a child to freedom of happiness, expression and safety from physical and mental trauma that limits or reduces their future to a happy, fulfilling life is an essential cross cultural goal of humans of all worthy nations of the world. This is the foundation of any healthy society. Humanity should be ashamed for letting this continue in !

Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in quizlet - assured

Past Persecution 24 To establish eligibility for asylum on the basis of past persecution, Mohamed "must show: 1 an incident. INS, F. We address each element in turn. Nwaokolo v. The practice has been internationally recognized as a violation of the rights of women and girls. See 18 U. In making such mutilation a criminal offense, Congress found that the procedure "often results in the occurrence of physical and psychological health effects that harm the women involved.

And, what: Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in quizlet

Most cases of female genital mutilation occur in quizlet 356
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most cases of female genital mutilation occur in quizlet

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Additionally, based on cultural values and ethics, the procedure is also considered to enhance purity, modesty, and beauty. Four significant types of FGM have been classified as the following: clitoridectomy, excision, infibulation, and the fourth consisting of all the other harmful procedures such as piercing, pricking, or scraping the genital area. Clitoridectomy refers to the partial or whole removal of the clitoris. In addition to partially or completely removing the clitoris, excision also removes the labia minora. By creating a covering seal, infibulation narrows the vaginal opening by cutting and repositioning the labia minora or labia majora with or without removal of the clitoris.

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With the risks shown through the above chart, it becomes inevitable that the life of a female is in danger. Ultimately, FGM has no health benefits. Instead, it causes more harm for the girl and for the woman who at most times cannot deny the procedure to happen. By continuing and enforcing this practice, communities of women still remain discriminated and are subjected fema,e the inequality that has violated their rights of life, health, security, and their own womanhood.

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Unfortunately, there have still been cases among US cities, ranking New York with the highest number of incidents Garsd, Inthe U. General Assembly adopted a resolution, aiming to ban FGM worldwide. Today, FGM has affected more than million girls and women. It is essential to emphasize that this is not just an African problem. Although it had been predominantly practiced in Africa, quizleh procedure has spread to many more countries including Yemen, Indonesia, Iraqi Kurdistan, Sudan, Egypt, Mali, and Guinea. However, various countries have expressed mixed thoughts about the continuation of FGM. Girls and women in Liberia, from the poorest households, are twice as likely to have experienced the procedure than those from the richest households. By looking over two read article, the chart demonstrates a decreased trend of prevalence in the percentage of women undergoing FGM.]

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