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Myths about columbus

Myths about columbus Video

5 Historical Misconceptions Rundown myths about columbus myths about columbus

Get the best experience and stay connected to your community with our Spectrum News app. Learn More. Clunky online scheduling tools, troubling urban myths and fear are influences that impact how immigrant communities receive the COVID vaccine. In Summit County, the COVID vaccine is prevalent — shots are administered at more than 40 locations from the fairgrounds to urban parking lots.

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But several erroneous tales have been circulating in the Congolese population, said community leader Samantha Byake. Byake, 24, came to the U. She helps communicate vital information to about 50 local Congolese families through programs at the Myths about columbus House, a facility of the North Akron Community Development Corporation that offers year-round programming for immigrants, from healthcare clinics to social gatherings. One potentially dangerous rumor about the vaccine, with the World Health Organization at its center, is based on the controversy over hydroxychloroquine.

myths about columbus

Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial drug commonly used in Africa, and Africans believd it could treat the virus. Byake said most Africans were immediately mistrustful of the vaccine, so theories flew. People were worried that even though the vaccine is not mandated it would become so soon, she said, so world powers could monitor and control global travel.

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A number of times they are on the waiting list, and they don't get the calls again. A leader in the Bhutanese community, Subba has been in the myths about columbus sinceearning a doctorate in nuclear physics at Kent State University. Subba does whatever he can to get helpful information to the immigrant community.

myths about columbus

His grocery-store employees were all vaccinated at the Summit County Myths about columbus and Subba hung a vaccine flyer from Summa Health System in the front window of his grocery store. He's is also is a member of the Bhutanese Community Association of Akronwhich distributed vaccine information in chats and on social media for the Bhutanese, Hindu and Karen communities.

The videos are expected to be published in the next week. Open in Our App. Download it here. By Jennifer Conn Ohio.]

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