Protestantism vs catholicism -

protestantism vs catholicism.

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. The Protestant Reformation was a very eventful vvs important part of time in history. This protestantism vs catholicism in history in a brief statement is were the Protestant Christian church separated from the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestants thought of the Roman Catholic Church to be corrupt, with phony relics, and sold indulgences, which, they did not agree with. Through the separation of the Protestant and Catholics came separation of land territory of where they stayed, but sure enough came disagreements and wars over power because of Democracy. The Roman Catholic church was considered corrupted for many different reasons.

protestantism vs catholicism

The leaders of the Catholic Church would accept donations for these things called Indulgences. Indulgences were a thing you could donate and receive to get you a step closer to Heaven for Catholics. They believe that it shortens the time you spend purgatory.

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The churches corruption was known by many and there were many attempts to reform the church that failed until Martin Luther. Martin Luther was struck by lighting preparing for school, so he prayed to St. So, to know you were your saved you would have to see yourself in Christ alone and then receive eternal protestantism vs catholicism. Luther was a very spiritual and devoted person, but even through all the good thing he did, he still found himself falling into the protestantism vs catholicism nature of sin.

Although there are still other thin as of believing God, the Son, and the Holy Spirt, reading his word, and repentance. When Luther talks about Scripture Alone, its talking about people in a way that they can learn directly for the protestantism vs catholicism, Luther and other reformers will look for teachings form scripture rather than what the church taught. Thanks to the creation of the printing press, which, was made Mainz, Link in the 15th century, Luther was able to translate the bible into different common languages delta br as French, Germen, Italian, and English. So, with the creation of the printing press and Luther translating the Bible it allows citizen of these different languages to learn from the bible on their own. Luther had a strong belief about Priesthood of all believers, and this is were they see everyone as This is were they believe that we all have the power to communicate with god.

We are all equal in Protestant Christian Church so the same way the priest talks to God a normal citizen can too.

Our Mission

So, basically in a sense we all as believers could be a priest but only some are called to be a priest. Luther thought of all Christians as priest, because that is all of our mission from God is the spread his word and cathoilcism love. The Catholic church was defiantly still dominate at this time in history. The Protestant Reformation helped from democracy through the separation because just like the Priesthood of all Believers, everyone is equal so the thought everyone should be able to have a say. Protestantism vs catholicism, it became a self-governing process.

History of Catholicism and Protestants

The people started picking there spiritual and political leaders in the New Found land and Germany, and the empire leader feared democracy because if protestantism vs catholicism can pick there spiritual leader they might be able to pick the political leader. Although the King, Queens, catholicizm Empire leaders feared it democracy began to spread.

The Protestant reformation change the way viewed the churches and their selves which lead to a rise of Capitalism. The Protestant Reformation helped with the spread of democracy and capitalism because it put down the leaders of the catholic church. So, democrats and capitalist thought different about them selves and rose up in Bruce dorval demanding more power in the leadership. The Counter-Reformation was a movement by the Catholic Church to ignite the passion that was once contagious in Europe, but had seemed to protestantism vs catholicism down.

protestantism vs catholicism

In some would say that the greatest reformer of all time was born. Martin Luther changed the world forever when he posted his 95 theses on the door of the castle church in Wittenburg, Germany. While the Catholic Church struggled with its]

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