Should abortion be legal essay -

Should abortion be legal essay Video

Why I Think Abortion Should Be Legalised - NANDINI SAYS should abortion be legal essay

Should abortion be legal essay - agree, excellent

One of the most controversial topics is on abortion and whether or not we should keep doing it or make it illegal. What I just stated may sound like I just contradicted myself, but let me explain. First off abortion is when you terminate a pregnancy, but when I stated that it saves lives, I meant that when you do an abortion there is a good reason behind it, which is to not let a child into this world were the parents may not be ready to handle the drastic consequences that comes with pregnancies. That can potentially save a life from experiencing all sorts of emotions that may damage them in the long term future. As previously stated, there are many benefits that come with pro choice, which makes abortion not that bad of a choice. Firstly, abortion gives women the option to do what she wants with her own body, therefore creates a more equal field between men and women. For instance, men biologically cannot get pregnant, which is unfair for women because both male and female are responsible for the outcome, yet the female have to take care of the fetus. In addition, what if the male left the female and lets say abortion was illegal, what can the woman do, if she was left to take care of the child all on her own. That shows how abortion can provide an option to women who need it.

Each and every life is valuable, and babies should be able to experience a future ahead of them. Abortions should be illegal. Making abortion illegal could allow children to live a good life and to live with someone who would care and love them for the rest of their lives.

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Adoption is an option for mothers, even though they would have to go through the pregnancy; the unwanted child is given to someone who will love them unconditionally. Some mothers decide to put their kids up for adoption because of school, jobs or are not financially stable, and many more reasons.

Adoption allows children to be able to fulfill their dreams when they grow up. Abortion should be illegal because it is considered murder.

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Unborn babies are considered human beings by the United States government. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act states an embryo or fetus in leegal united states is considered a legal victim which means if you go through abortion it is considered murder. Those that do go through abortion should be punished for killing or maybe attempting to kill an unborn baby. Counterclaim There are also those who argue click abortion should be legal.

The Importance Of Abortion

They believe that abortion is right and that embryos or fetuses are not considered human beings. According to Fetal Rights, it states that fetuses are human beings and that they have the right to live but also the right of the fetus to be healthy and receive medical treatment. The Unborn Victims of Violence have been passed by at least 38 states which means that fetuses or embryos are human beings and have the right to live.

Abortion should be illegal because it is should abortion be legal essay and every child should experience shoupd and happiness. Unborn babies have the right to live and the mother should not have the option to abort a child that has yet to be born. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours. If you need help faster you can always use our custom writing service.]

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