Social-ecological -

Social-ecological - something

Although strategies to increase these rates exist, low rates persist. We used concept mapping with state-level stakeholders to better understand barriers and facilitators to HPV vaccination. Concept mapping is a participatory research process in which respondents brainstorm ideas to a prompt and then sort thoughts into piles. We present the results of the brainstorming phase. From the original sample, Our team removed duplicates and edited reports for clarity, which resulted in views. social-ecological.

Authors: Hruska, Tracy V. Berkeley, CA: U. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: Abstract An ongoing social-ecological of the small wetlands in the northern Sierra Nevada foothill oak social-ecological that provide habitat socal-ecological the state-threatened California black rail Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus offers an example of the way that the social ecological systems SES framework can be used to analyze a natural resource problem.

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social-ecological At the outset, it social-ecological hypothesized that the area's hydrology, West Nile Virus from wetland mosquitos, the population ecology of the bird, and the decisions of landowners would have important impacts on the wetlands and birds.

A SES framework was applied to identify and understand the interactions among ecological and human factors.


The case of irrigated wetlands in Sierra foothill woodlands turns out to be an example of a fractured SES. Actions within the social system are having profound impacts on the natural system, but these resulting changes in social-ecological natural system appear to have little social-ecological no feedback click the social system.

Intervention points identified include education of landowners, influencing water districts, and incentivizing conservation. Citation: Hruska, Tracy V. An accidental resource: the social ecological system framework applied to small wetlands in Sierran foothill oak woodlands.

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In: Standiford, Richard B. Proceedings of the seventh California oak symposium: managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world. Electronic versions of publications may social-ecological downloaded, printed, and distributed.


Publication Notes This article social-ecological written and prepared by U. Government employees on official time, and is therefore in the public domain. To view this article, download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.]

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