The doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the -

The doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the

The doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the - really

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Influences Geography The mainland and islands of Greece are rocky, with deeply indented coastline, and rugged mountain ranges with few substantial forests. The most freely available building material is stone. Limestone was readily available and easily worked. This finely grained material was a major contributing factor to precision of detail, both architectural and sculptural, that adorned Ancient Greek architecture.

It was used not only for pottery vessels, but also roof tiles and architectural decoration. This led to a lifestyle where many activities took place outdoors. Hence temples were placed on hilltops, their exteriors designed as a visual focus of gatherings and processions, while theatres were often an enhancement of a naturally occurring sloping site where people could sit, rather than a containing structure.

The Established Rules For The Doric And Corinthian Orders Essay

Colonnades encircling buildings, or surrounding courtyards provided shelter from the sun and from sudden winter storms. The light is often extremely bright, with both the sky and the sea vividly blue.

the doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the

The clear light and sharp shadows give a precision to the details of landscape, pale rocky outcrops and seashore. This clarity is alternated with periods of haze that varies in colour to the light on it.

the doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the

In this characteristic environment, the Ancient Greek architects constructed buildings that were marked by precision of detail. During the later Hellenistic period, Greek culture spread widely, initially as a result of Alexander's conquest of other lands, and later as a the doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the check this out the rise of the Roman Empire, which adopted much of Greek culture. Minoan is the name given by modern historians to the culture of the people of ancient Creteknown for its elaborate and richly decorated palaces, and for its pottery painted with floral and marine motifs.

The Mycenaean culture, which flourished on the Peloponnesuswas quite different in character. Its people built citadels, fortifications and tombs rather than palaces, and decorated their pottery with bands of marching soldiers rather than octopus and seaweed. Both these civilizations came to an end around BC, that of Crete possibly because of volcanic devastation, and that of Mycenae because of an invasion by the Dorian people who lived on the Greek mainland. This period is thus often referred to as a Dark Age. Some cities, such as Sparta, maintained a strongly ordered and conservative character, like that of the Mycenae. The culture of Athens, on the other hand, was influenced by the influx of Ionian people from Asia Minor.


In the cultural diversity resulting from that influx, Athenian culture developed the art of logic, and with it the idea of democracy. Already at this period it is created with a sense of proportion, symmetry and balance not apparent in similar pottery from Crete and Mycenae. The decoration is precisely geometric, and ordered neatly into zones on defined areas of each vessel. These qualities were to manifest themselves not only through a millennium of Greek pottery making, but also in the architecture that was to emerge in the 6th century. The tiny stylised bronzes of the Geometric period gave way to life-sized highly formalised monolithic representation in the Archaic period.

The Classical period was marked by a rapid development towards idealised but increasingly lifelike depictions of gods in human form. However, unlike earlier cultures, man was no longer perceived as being threatened by nature, but as its sublime product. The most important deities were: Zeusthe supreme god and ruler of the sky; Herahis wife and goddess of marriage; Athenagoddess of wisdom; Poseidongod of the sea; Demetergoddess of the earth; Apollogod of the sun, law, the doric ionic and corinthian styles are known as the, music and poetry; Artemisgoddess of the moon, the hunt and the wilderness; Aphroditesee more of love; AresGod of war; Hermesgod of commerce and medicine, Hephaestusgod of fire and metalwork, and Dionysus, god of wine and fruit-bearing plants.

Practical information

However, by BC, the gods were often represented by large statues and it was necessary to provide a building in which each of these could be housed. This led to the development of temples. Their humanist philosophy put mankind at the centre of things, and promoted well-ordered societies and the development of democracy. The architecture of the Ancient Greeks, and in particular, temple architecture, responds to these challenges with a passion for beauty, and for order and symmetry which is the product of a continual search for perfection, rather than a simple application of a set of working rules.]

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