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As you may know very well, few news publishers in the world accurately predicted the Donald Trump election victory as well as the left-wing chaos and resistance that followed.

totalitarian government articles

While the entire fakestream media was arrogantly reporting that Hillary Clinton had already won well before election day, some people in the totalitarian government articles media knew that was a lie. They knew everything was rigged and even wrote articles listing all the things that were rigged, including the polls, the news, the Democratic National Committee and the voting machines in Democrat-controlled voting areas. Now, as read article are asking what to expect forit seems that only one prediction really matters. It makes everything else almost irrelevant. The era of cheap money and free debt is going to come to a catastrophic end.

To understand totalitarian government articles implications of this one prediction, you need to grasp the reality that we are approaching the end of the era of cheap money, endless debt and fiat currency money creation.

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They are wrong. The de-coupling of the U. Since that day, the dollar has existed in a state of eventual demise, with no question whatsoever that the article source would totalitarian government articles day collapse. For decades, presidents and central bankers kicked the can down the road, printed new fiat currency and spent the American nation into financial oblivion.

Now, with Trump getting sworn into office, the globalists no longer want to prevent the debt collapse from taking place. The only way this can be delayed is if Trump sells out to the globalist banksters. Totalitarian government articles Trump caves to the globalists, the economic sabotage will be unleashed during his term.

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Obama is the first ex-U. President who literally sought to sabotage the country on his way out of office. The effects of those actions, however, will take time to wreak havoc in their intended way. Importantly, no one can accurately predict the timing of when those actions will release the avalanche of global debt collapse.

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No human mind or even a supercomputer is capable of accurately simulating all the variables, but what we do know is that once the avalanche begins, it will be unstoppable until it hits bottom. The saboteur can drill large numbers of holes — gvernment tens of thousands — and the click still stands.

totalitarian government articles

The timing is impossible to predict, but the inevitability of it is easy to predict. Note: One thing that could delay the collapse of the U. Before long, the EU totalitarian government articles ripple effects will strangle U. Once it happens, President Trump will have little choice but to declare martial law and roll out an expanded police state. Should all this unfold, President Trump will fight the deliberate sabotage by invoking all the emergency measures of Government that President Obama signed into law as executive orders.

totalitarian government articles

Very few Americans realize, for example, that executive orders are right now on the books that will allow President Trump, with a simple signature, to seize all gold, dollars and financial assets of every American.]

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