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why was the massachusetts bay colony founded Why was the massachusetts bay colony founded

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Forgot Password? Sign Up. One of the first things you'll notice on your Cape Cod vacation is that the region is full of history and, more specifically, has tons of museums to explore. The campus where the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center sits today was established in as a radiotelegraph station that allowed passing ships to communicate with the mainland. However, wireless communication in the area predates this site by decades. The story begins in with the birth of radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi in Northern Italy. Technology continued to evolve, and Marconi started building a station in Chatham in However, World War I had devastating consequences for the company, and the facility could not initiate operations. The Radio Corporation of America built its own facility in Chatham, which opened in , but Marconi's name remains on the museum because of his immense contributions to the technology. When visiting the museum, you'll notice a couple of large exhibits.

Just in time for the five hundredth anniversary of Columbus's voyages to the Americas, historians have abandoned the rhetoric of discovery -- or, at least, brought it under severe control.

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No longer do we say that Columbus and the why was the massachusetts bay colony founded European explorers "discovered" America. Rather, the European voyagers encountered Indian peoples and cultures who had been present in the Americas for hundreds or even thousands of years. As John Noble Wilford has pointed out, the quincentenary of Columbus's voyages differed profoundly from the quadricentenary of and the more info of -- both of which emphasized the unalloyed benefits of the "discovery of America" and the bravery and modernity of Columbus's thought and enterprise.

In part, of course, the omission of Indian peoples from the commemoration of Columbus, except as anthropological curiosities, stemmed from the series of Indian wars that ranked with the War ofthe Mexican War, and the Civil War massafhusetts determinants of American foreign and military policy.

why was the massachusetts bay colony founded

The Indians were conquered research paper isis, perceived as being somewhere on the spectrum between brave enemies and savage masschusetts. To accord them equal billing with why was the massachusetts bay colony founded great Christopher Columbus was, to their way of thinking, ridiculous.

The shift from the emphases of the quadricentenary to those of the quincentenary reflects the dramatic transformation in twentieth-century American views of the Indians see essay I -- of their status as indigenous peoples, of the dignity and worth of t heir cultures, of the plausibility and validity of their ideas about the proper relationships between human beings and the natural world, and of the sufferings they endured at the hands of white explorers, settlers, and conquerors. It also reflects two other factors:. Nonetheless, although this conceptual shift may look to some like "political correctness," it makes good sense.

It recognizes that what we used to call the "Discovery of America" was really a "first contact" of the sort beloved by fans of science fiction on between two sets of civilizations and cultures. Indeed, European colonists in North https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/general-motors-and-the-affecting-factors-of/egg-diffusion.php would not have survived without the aid of the Indian peoples who greeted and befriended them and taught them what crops to cultivate, what game to hunt, and how to build shelters. This first contact, however, was not governed by the "prime directive" of noninterference familiar to devotees of Star Trek.

Most European explorers, conquerors, colonizers, and missionaries felt few compunctions about interfering with click cultures -- by deliberate force as with Francisco Pisarro's conquest of the Inca foinded in Peruby a combination of force and accident as with Hernando Cortes's unsuccessful assault on the Aztec why was the massachusetts bay colony founded in Mexico, which h exposed the Aztec to smallpox that devastated the population masswchusetts made Cortes's attack a successor by accident 95 percent of the Maya people of Mexico succumbed to diseases contracted due to contact with Europeans.

There were some beneficial results of contact, however; Europeans introduced new technologies, crops, and domestic animals to the Americas, and Indian peoples absorbed these innovations into their own cultures and economies.

why was the massachusetts bay colony founded

And, even though Spanish authorities insisted on supplanting often by forcible conversion indigenous religions with Roman Catholocism, the Roman Catholic clergy soon emerged as powerful advocates for justice for native peoples. Ultimately, however, Europeans received the great majority of the benefits of American colonization.

why was the massachusetts bay colony founded

The story of this period is more than the story of why was the massachusetts bay colony founded between Europeans and Indians. It is also the story of waw Europeans' attempts to found colonies in the Americas -- some as bases for exploration, conquest, and exploitation; others as permanent colonies. How do we tell https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/negative-impacts-of-socialization-the-positive-effects/sureline-internet.php story of this period?

The best way is to synthesize an array of older and newer historical and pedagogical methods. This chronology is still worth giving to students -- as long as we tell them why they need it and why they will find it useful. In essence, we can demonstrate the utility of chronology by illustrating how it provides i a basic framework on which they can hang additional ideas and information, and ii context, background, and useful juxtapositions that enable them to make historical connections and begin learning how to interpret history for themselves.

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If we explain the utility and necessity of abs orbing the chronology, they will not approach it as just another arid, useless set of dates, names, and events. This point is true across the whole sweep of American history -- not just in this period. For example, there remains considerable value in the traditional juxtaposition of the history of English exploration and discovery why was the massachusetts bay colony founded the Americas with the ideas and achievements of the Renaissance in England.

At the same time, however, we should not fall into the fouhded cliche that the Spanish were a backward-looking people in wh, merely because Spanish culture in the Renaissance does not resonate with modern American culture in the ways that English Renaissance culture does. Before we examine the differing motivations that European nations had to come to the Americas, we should analyze the factors they had in common.

All the European nations were beginning to experience a massive growth in population, recovering from the terrible depredations of the Black Death of the fourteenth century.]

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