03.05 writing narrative introductions - digitales.com.au

03.05 writing narrative introductions - theme, will

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Take a moment and review the directions for the Week 3 narrative essay. Once you have a topic you want to write your narrative about, you will complete this two part assignment: prewriting and outlining.

03.05 writing narrative introductions

Take minutes to free write about your topic. Write down everything that pertains to your topic, including questions your readers might have.

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Part II Next, create an outline as a preliminary structure for the narrative essay. Unlike simply telling a story though, a narrative essay has a specific piece of information to share, a lesson for the reader. There should be a clear reason for your telling the story.

Your assignment this week is to write such an essay. Refer back to your outline of a significant event that you wrote for W2. Keep in mind that you are writing a story and it is important to freely tell your story.

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But, this is still an academic essay. As such, 03.05 writing narrative introductions tale should be wrapped in a clear introduction and conclusion. Criteria Your essay should contain the following basic features: An introduction with an attention grabbing opening hooka well-defined message or argument thesisand any background information the reader needs to fully understand your story; Body paragraphs which a tell the story of your clear and specific, singular event that illustrates the essay thesis; Vivid language that works to recreate the event, including descriptions of where the event took place, the people who were involved, and the things these people said and did; A conclusion that briefly implicitly or explicitly reviews your story, https://digitales.com.au/blog/wp-content/custom/why-building-administrations-have-a-developing-business/persuasive-speech-on-immigration-reform.php the lessons you learned and that you hope the reader to learn, and provides a closing thought such as owhy this event is still personally significant, othe state of your life since the event and how you feel about it, ofuture plans related to the event, orhetorical questions for the reader, etc.

In addition to the above, the final draft of your essay should be: From words in length, typed in Times New Roman 12pt. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions 1. What just happened? What was the purpose? What did it say? What was the content? Be specific. What was the point? How can I use this? Important: Do not write just one-sentence answers to the above questions.

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03.05 writing narrative introductions

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  1. Please, explain more in detail

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