Acid rain videos youtube -

Acid rain videos youtube acid rain videos youtube

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acid rain videos youtube

Learn more. Should you be worried about acid rain?

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Inscientists studying Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest made a shocking discovery. What was causing this deadly rainfall? And what could be done to stop it? Joseph Goffman details how scientists transformed vixeos major threat into minor issue. Learn More. Additional Resources for you to Explore. Effects of Acid Rain Acid rain can harm plants and animals in a variety of ways. As the acid rain lowers the pH of lakes and streams, species like snails and clams that rely on their shells for protection can be the first to suffer.

This is because the acids in the water chemically react with calcium carbonate in the water, dissolving it. Because snails and clams need calcium acidd to build their shells, the acidity can make their shells grow slower and thinner, leaving them acid rain videos youtube to predators. This is the same chemical reaction that makes limestone statues vulnerable to acid rain, since limestone is primarily made of calcium carbonate. source

acid rain videos youtube

Another way acid rain harms ecosystems is by leaching aluminum out of the soil. Aluminum, which occurs naturally in the soil in many areas, can be toxic to plants and animals in high concentrations.

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When acid rain falls over an rainn, it can leach, or pull, the aluminum out of the soil, leaving it to be absorbed by plants or be washed into the nearest water body by the rain. If this process continues for long enough, the aluminum concentration builds up enough to harm local species. A third reason to be concerned about acid rain is a process called eutrophication.]

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