Catholic and protestant -

Catholic and protestant

Catholic and protestant - would

The leader of the Democratic Unionist Party — largely supported by Protestants — has been deeply critical of the decision and called on police chief Simon Byrne to resign. Church leaders on both sides of the sectarian divide have been on the streets pleading for rioters to stop. The city has witnessed some of the worst rioting in recent years and, for the first time April 8, police used water cannon to disperse young Protestants angry at the decision. Gasoline bombs, fireworks and stones were used to attack police. A journalist was attacked, and a bus driver was injured when his public bus was hijacked and set on fire. The police service is an integral part of our society, made up of women and men from every background and tradition, called to serve the common good and safety of our shared society. The unrest comes almost 23 years to the day—April 10—when a peace accord known as the Good Friday Agreement was signed. People as young as 13 have been arrested for disorder. Police have said they are concerned that hardline Protestant paramilitaries may be orchestrating the violence. The unrest comes almost 23 years to the day — April 10 — when a peace accord known as the Good Friday Agreement was signed, bringing an end to 30 years of sectarian killing by paramilitaries. catholic and protestant

Jump to navigation. He protestabt not heal the rift our faiths made together during the Protestant Reformation of yore, but it surely looks small from the perspective of today. Christians agree on much more than not, like how Jesus predominantly and preeminently loved the poor and the marginalized. In my community, we rarely expect much from the pope.

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All of a sudden, we repeat just about every word he says and pray for his health and that his enemies not find him. The attention he gets when he speaks about the environment, as one example, is qualitatively different than previous popes received. His fundamental and realized preferential option for the poor has validated all else that he says.

catholic and protestant

We read them. We repeat them. We notice. We catholic and protestant excited about his upcoming address to Congress or his trip to the U. S in September. I am on my fifth sermon quoting him and observing his direction. Or so one person told me in an email after the last time I exclaimed about how the pope was teaching us all -- not just Catholics -- what it means to see how environmental trouble will disproportionately affect the poor. The larger green movement is paying attention, too.

catholic and protestant

The pope catholix found a way to become truly ecumenical and to speak to constituencies that are not normally catholic and protestant to religion. The larger green movement has always had an air of elitism to it. But he has that air of the all, the inclusive tone of the everyone. He joins Jesus in refusing to have an enemy or an edge. He makes borders and boundaries look small.

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Francis loves both the environment and the poor simultaneously, and has the power and wit to hold them both together in one thought. The environmental movement has long needed this kind of strategic coherence. For me personally, I have often despaired at the need we have for leadership that is large enough to encompass and small enough to remain democratic. In the pope, I hope for the right size of leadership: sufficiently authoritative without being authoritarian; sufficiently open to refrain from polarizing. On all these counts -- the religious, the political and the leadership -- I am paying attention to the pope. Instead, I have become hopeful, as in catholic and protestant of hope.

catholic and protestant

Editor's note: Want more stories from Eco Catholic? We catholic and protestant send you an email alert once a week with the latest. Just go to this page and follow directions: Email alert sign-up. Blog Eco Catholic. Enter your email address to receive free newsletters from NCR. Email address. Therapists are reckoning with eco-anxiety Apr 17, EarthBeat Weekly: Climate science is clear — it's time for 'hard choices' based on faith values Apr 16, Lessons from hurricanes Post date: Oct 13, Fighting for water rights Post date: Sep 22, ]

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