Causes and effects of european exploration -

Causes and effects of european exploration Video

The Causes and Consequences of European Exploration causes and effects of european exploration Causes and effects of european exploration causes and effects of european exploration

When Columbus and his men first voyaged across the Atlantic Ocean to Latin America, their immediate mentality was that they had to develop the uncivilized society of the natives as well as establish a structured government. The Efrects viewed themselves as far more advanced and superior to the indigenous societies of Latin America, utilizing various strategies as a means to assert their dominance over the indigenous people.

One of the many ways that the Europeans developed and supported this idea was through art, used by the Europeans as a way to express their superiority and further implement the European ideology onto the Casta paintings were introduced to the indigenous society in the seventeenth century as means to show and prove to the indigenous that they were lesser of a causes and effects of european exploration.

Casta paintings, paintings that defined various races through eurooean interbreeding, were used as a way to show dominance and further install hegemony in colonial Latin America justifying the European power and their role as the superior race.

Social Effects Of European Exploration Of The New World

anr Majority of children are taught that in Columbus sailed from Europe over to Latin America, as well as Columbus and his men were the first to step foot on the new land. However, not everyone is taught in depth what actually occurred in Columbus was sent by the Queen of England to explore the oceans as a result of the new here of European expansionism to further sustain the rate, they were expanding at.

Their growing monarchy was perfect for the growing European power, but to continue to flourish at the time they required more resources to support their advancements. When Columbus came across the Americas, he of course found the resourced that England needed.

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The mission that they were sent out on was achieved, but Columbus saw more than the resources, he was greedy for the Queen to have perfect image. When Columbus came across to the Americas, he saw more than just resources he saw a society that could be devolved in addition to expanding the European monarchy. Immediately Columbus sent word to the Queen of Causes and effects of european exploration and his potential policies for the newly discovered ekropean. Columbus and his men invaded and bombarded the peaceful indigenous society that was currently inhabiting the Americas at the time.

Columbus and his men took into account right away that not all the natives were clothed, women, children, and men were either naked or partially clothed. In addition, the indigenous people were not Catholic like the Europeans. The Europeans were very religious thus meaning their everyday life revolved around the Catholic religion. Due to the fact that they were not religious or clothed, the Europeans saw them as Noble Savages. Essentially the Europeans saw the indigenous society as a potential threat to the European monarchy because they were different than them. Over time the Europeans made it clear to the indigenous that they were far more of cuases superior society. The European men took advantage of the women and killed the men. It got to the point where the indigenous people believed that they were inferior to the Europeans…hegemony.

causes and effects of european exploration

Over time, there were many strategies that were utilized to get the indigenous people to believe that they were indeed inferior the Europeans. As stated before, art was a key here that they educated Europeans were able to get word to some of the uneducated indigenous people. Hence, the reason why casta paintings were put in place. Casta paintings were just another way that the Europeans showed that they were superior to the indigenous people. The prestigious religious group of Europeans created the term limpieza de sangre because it was another way that they could use hegemony against the natives.

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The term limpieza de sangre translates to purity of blood, due to the fact that the Europeans believed that the indigenous were impure. The Europeans believed that they were impure because they did not follow the European ways, as in religion, roles in society, way the two societies worked, and much more. After a while it got to the point where anyone was willing to agree or believe anything that was said against the indigenous people. This term of them not having pure blood was one of the many examples that prove that everyone was blinded because they were surprised of a new society that had no intention of harming the Europeans if they had not initiated it.

The Europeans were very keen on the fact that the Indigenous did not value the Christian religion like they did. In return the Europeans killed the highly religious indigenous if they did not want to convert, some were even killed publicly so that all the other indigenous people could see what was bound to happen to them. The ones that did convert were spared, and causes and effects of european exploration to be new Christians.]

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