Christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11 -

Christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11

Christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11 - you tell

I promised myself always to publish my books on an actual loss on the cost of production — never to accept a farthing for any form of instruction, giving advice, or any other service whose performance depended on my magical attainments. I regarded myself as having sacrificed my career and my fortune for initiation, and that the reward was so stupendous that it made the price pitifully mean, save that, like the widow's mite, it was all I had. I was therefore the wealthiest man in the world, and the least I could do was to bestow the inestimable treasure upon my poverty-stricken fellow men. I made it also a point of absolute honour never to commit myself to any statement that I could not prove in the same sense as a chemist can prove the law of combining weights. Not only would I be careful to avoid deceiving people, but I would do all in my power to prevent them deceiving themselves. This meant my declaring war on the spiritualists and even the theosophists, though I agreed with much of Blavatsky's teachings, as uncompromisingly as I had done on Christianity. Since the publication of this book ten years ago it has become evident that Aleister Crowley was more than just another cult hero of our time. Crowley's life was more fantastic even than that of Gurdjieff, the only comparable personality among his contemporaries, whose unconventionalities were mostly passed over in silence. Crowley's eccentricities, however, have been so much emphasized that the unique value of his work in every conceivable area of experimental occultism has been obscured until recently. christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11

He was proceeded in recent times by people like Howard Jacobson and Schmuley Boteach.

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The roots of this discussion are, however, fraught. Heschel also documents the Christian pushback against the increasingly obvious Jewishness of Jesus and the New Testament: The German nation could not be represented through a Jewish Jesus, who was both Jewish and mortal, but only through a historically transcendent, unique Christ. German nationalists' representation of Germany in terms of the Christ story grew stronger in the twentieth century.

Some divorced Christ from the Jesus of the Bible, making him instead an "eternal idea" not limited by biblical history, just as they presented the German nation as a transcendent idea unbound by political conventions.

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This gave rise to various representations of Jesus as an non-Jewish myth. This view has been discarded by scholars. Christisnity persists, however amongst fringe atheists and anti-Semites. Heck, it came up in Avenue Q. Paul, of course, would have written from Jewish tradition, but still wrote in Greek, and the Gospel of John shows the influence of Plato and others.

christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11

Wasn't one of the first schisms in Christianity between those who thought that Jesus' teaching was here for the Jews, and those, chdistianity Paul, who wanted to preach to and convert Gentiles as well? As an outsider, I'm sure it's also pretty well established that Jesus being someone who actually lived isn't so very well established? From Leo Baeck's " The Gospel as a document of the history of the Jewish faith ": [T]he Gospel, which was originally something Jewish, becomes a book—and certainly not a minor work—within Jewish literature.

This is not because, or not only because, it contains sentences which also appear in the same or a similar form in the Jewish works of that time.

christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11

Nor is it such—in fact, it is even less so—because the Hebrew or Aramaic breaks again and again through the word forms and sentence formations of the Greek translation. Rather it is a Jewish book because—by all means and entirely because—the pure air of which it is full and which it breathes is that of the Holy Scriptures; because a Jewish spirit, and none other, lives in it; because Jewish faith and Jewish hope, Jewish suffering and Jewish distress, Jewish knowledge and Jewish expectations, and these alone, resound through it—a Link book in the midst of Jewish books.


Judaism may not pass it by, nor mistake it, nor wish to give up all claims here. Here, too, Judaism should comprehend and take note of what is its own.

christianity from judaism to constantine: crash course world history #11

Judaism is different from mainline US christianity and reading backwards from new testament to tanach negates tanach as its own book. I agree, there is very weak primary source or related evidence for a historical Jesus, but that is not truly relevant to this Historical Jesus is the contrasting hypothesis to the mythical Jesus among scholars, and much more widely accepted as I understand it. The see more interesting aspect of the theory, dumbed down, is that the certain elements of the the gospels and other contemporary narratives strongly suggests the actual existence of a Jewish figure around 30 A. The resurrection and deity ideas are not part of the scholarly hypothesis.]

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  1. I apologise, but it not absolutely approaches me. Perhaps there are still variants?

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