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And what: Cons of communism

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Cons of communism

The Cuban constitution ascribes the role of the party to be the " leading force of society and of the state ".

cons of communism

The PCC is a communist party based on democratic centralisma principle conceived by Russian Marxist Vladimir Leninentails free and open discussion of policy issues within the party, followed by the requirement of total unity in upholding the agreed policies.

When the Congress ccons not in session, the Central Committee was the highest body.

cons of communism

Because the Central Committee met twice a year, most day-to-day duties and responsibilities are vested in the Politburo. After taking power in Cuba inthe party began gradually to introduce Marxism—Leninisma fusion of the original ideas of German philosopher and economic theorist Karl Marxand Lenin, guided by Joseph Stalin became formalized as the party's guiding ideology and would remain so to this day.

The party pursued state socialismunder which all industries were nationalized, and a command economy was implemented throughout Cons of communism despite the embargo by the United States.

Cuba had a number of communist and anarchist organizations from the early communusm of the Republic founded in The original " internationalised " Communist Party of Cuba formed in the s. Init renamed itself as cons of communism Popular Socialist Party for electoral reasons.

cons of communism

In Julytwo years after the successful overthrow of Fulgencio Batista and the creation of a revolutionary cons of communism, the Integrated Revolutionary Organizations ORI was formed from the merger of:. In Article 5 of the Cuban constitution ofthe Communist Party is recognized as "the superior guiding force of society and of the State, that organizes and orients common efforts toward the high goals of the construction of socialism and the advancement toward communist society".

For the first fifteen years of its formal existence, the Communist Party was almost completely inactive outside of the Politburo.

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The person Central Committee rarely met and it was ten years after its founding that the first regular party Congress was held. Inmembership of the party was only 55, or 0. In the s, the party's apparatus began to develop. By the time of the first party Congress inthe party had grown to just over two hundred thousand members, the Central Committee was meeting regularly and provided the organizational apparatus giving the party clns leading role in society that ruling Communist parties generally hold. Bythe party had cons of communism to overmembers and it grew further toby Apparatuses of the party had grown to ensure that its leading cadres were appointed to key government positions. The Communist Party of Cuba held its first party Congress in and has had additional congresses in,and The Seventh Congress took place from 19 to 22 April[12] around the 55th anniversary of the Bay of Cohs Invasion[13] concluding with remarks by Fidel Castro.

The Eighth Congress is scheduled to take place 16 to cons of communism April The leading bodies of the party were the Politburo and the Secretariat until when the two bodies were merged into an expanded Politburo with over twenty members.

EXPOSING CRIMINALS IN GOVERNMENT However, the Secretariat was re-introduced in There is also a Central Committee which meets between party congresses. At the Fifth Congress, the size of the Central Committee was reduced to members from the previous membership of Compared with other ruling Communist Parties, such as in VietnamChinaand Laosthe Communist Party of Cuba retains a stricter adherence to the tradition of Marxism—Leninism and the traditional Soviet model.

Medical diplomacy has also been a prominent feature of the Party's foreign policy. The party maintains a policy of sending thousands of Cuban doctors, agricultural technicians, and other professionals to other countries throughout the developing world. This has led to some speculation that Cons of communism may transition towards a model more similar to that of China and that cons of communism Vietnam.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ruling political party of Cuba. Communist Party of Cuba. Politics of Cuba Political parties Elections. Main clmmunism Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba. Further information: Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba. Further information: Secretariat of the Communist Party of Cuba. Retrieved 21 September ]

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