Define myrmidon - consider
International law operates in terms of reciprocal agreements and treaties between sovereign states. If a sovereign state agrees to be part of some international tribunal or treaty, it reserves the right to leave or to selectively comply. This is exactly what we see in practice. We do not consider this to be a crime because a state has the right to withdraw from a treaty. Compare this to the government of a state, which does not have the right to violate its own law. define myrmidonToggle navigation.
พจนานุกรมอังกฤษ-ไทย , ไทย-ไทย :
Van ser famosos per la seva bravura al camp de batalla. Va ser fill de Zeus i d'. Va ser gendre de Peleu, per haver-se casat amb Polidora, una filla seva.
Sie spielten eine entscheidende Rolle beim Fall von Troja. Seine Gemahlin war Peisidike, Tochter des Aiolos define myrmidon der Enarete, mit der er defibe Aktor und den Antiphos zeugte welcher der erste war, der Peleus einlud, in Thessalien zu bleiben. Dann zogen sie aber mit Peleus mit, als dieser von dort durch seinen Vater Aiakos verbannt worden war.
Diese Version scheint Ovid von dem griechischen Historiker Thukydides, der eine Pest in Athen beschrieb, entlehnt zu haben. In Homer's Iliad, the Myrmidons are the soldiers commanded by Achilles. Their eponymous ancestor was Myrmidon, a king of Phthiotis who was a son of Zeus and "wide-ruling" Eurymedousa, a princess of Phthiotis. She was seduced by him in the form of an ant. An etiological myth of define myrmidon origins, simply expanding define myrmidon their supposed etymology—the name in Classical Greek was interpreted as "ant-people", from murmekes, "ants"—was first mentioned by Ovid, in Metamorphoses: in Ovid's telling, the Myrmidons were simple worker ants on the island of Aegina.
Homeroren Iliadaren arabera, herri ausarta ziren, gerlari ahaltsuekin, eta Troiako Gerran, Akilesen agindupean borrokatu zuten. Mitologiaren arabera, printzesa eder hau konkistatzeko Zeus inurri eder define myrmidon bihurtu zen. Estrabon historialariaren arabera, mirmidoiek euren buruei inurri izan eman zieten, baratzak goldatzeko, harritzar mordo bat kendu behar zutelako, giza kate luzeak eratuz, inurriek egiten duten bezala, euren lurrak idorrak eta harritsuak baitziren. Peleo, Akilesen aita, myrmiddon errege izan zen.
Words With Letters RMIOSDEMYN
Secondo una tradizione, il popolo traeva il nome dal proprio re Mirmidone, figlio di Zeus e diche il dio aveva sedotto assumendo l'aspetto di una formica. Una leggenda posteriore narrava invece define myrmidon i Mirmidoni discendessero dalle formiche, trasformate in uomini da Zeus per preghiera di Eaco, per ripopolare l'isola di Egina devastata da una pestilenza, e che avevano poi seguito Peleo, figlio di Eaco, esule a Ftia. Ze waren oorspronkelijk define myrmidon van het Griekse eiland Egina.]
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